7 Tricks To Improve Your Relationships

7 tricks to improve your relationships

Personal relationships are not easy. But they are also not as difficult as they sometimes seem when we are in the middle of a conflict. Some people are unable to communicate with others because they are too shy. Others carry conflict from their past. Perhaps they come from a family that has never known good relationships. These are histories that often drive people to constantly seek conflict. They fight a battle that leads nowhere and view everyone with suspicion and fear.

We are not born with the ability or inability to build good personal relationships. It is true that some of us have a genetic predisposition to be more or less outgoing or sociable. But those are not the only determining factors. Basically, we need to learn how to communicate with other people. And that requires some skills that we all have within our grasp.

But there are also some tricks that make these lessons easier. These are just a few small tips that you can easily apply and which are also efficient to achieve the intended goal: improving personal relationships. Now let’s see what tricks are involved…

Improve Your Relationships Using These Tricks

Train your listening skills

Listening is not alone or should not just mean being quiet while the other person is speaking. It’s more than that. Because it means paying attention to the content and the form of the message the other person is trying to convey. So listening is not about being silent. It does mean going out a bit of the road to accommodate what the other person is saying, suggesting, or insinuating. Nor is it about silencing our inner dialogue. But, on the contrary, you’re going to reorient it to coincide with what the other person is telling us.

There is nothing better to develop our listening skills than to listen. But how do we do that? Try to be quiet and just understand what they are telling you. In the beginning you will have to make a conscious effort to stay focused. But if you keep practicing, the temptation will not be so great after a while.

Practice empathy

Active listening and empathy go hand in hand. We focus our attention on the message someone is trying to convey to us. That gives us the chance to understand the message in the context of the other person and not our own. This is exactly what empathy is. You are able to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand the process that makes him act and think the way he does.

Empathy therefore requires that you are open-minded, rather than critical. Everyone is who they are and does things for reasons we don’t understand. With what right do we question them? That also means that we have a lot to lose if we are unable to be empathetic. We miss out on learning opportunities, we miss the opportunity to expand our experience and the opportunity to improve our personal relationships.

Trust what you say and do

When you have a confident attitude, others start to trust you. The opposite is also true. When someone has doubts or feels insecure, the people around them will react in a defensive way. It’s not that hard to exude confidence. You just have to give the person you are a chance. For you must not forget that within the person you are, there is the person you would like to become.

A girl with short purple hair with her eyes closed

Anxiety is one of the feelings that can make communication tense. So it can be an obstacle to personal relationships. In many cases, only a little training is needed to keep the influence of fear at bay. To achieve that, try not to pause too much when you speak. But make sure you join the conversation rather than get stuck in a monologue or speech.

You don’t have to be a real chatter or a funny astute person. What you need in communication is a little spontaneity. Because the listener may interpret a measured and prepared speech as an attempt to hide something…while only trying to hide that you are afraid to show who you are. Why?

Smile, always keep smiling

A smile opens doors. This saying is old and widely used. Just because everyone knows this statement doesn’t mean it isn’t true. A smile breaks down walls and helps create a friendly atmosphere. It reduces the tension and it’s free!

A tip to motivate you: see a smile as a sign of peace and acceptance. It is a kind gesture that has no equal in supporting good communication. This gesture breaks the ice and instills confidence in the relationship. Nothing is better for improving personal relationships than opening an acquaintance with a smile. Many studies have shown that people are much more likely to approach someone who smiles.

Good manners

Good manners will never go out of style. They will also always be the runner that opens doors. If you practice good manners regularly, they will feel more natural. Once you master them, you will no longer feel fake. Some people may interpret this as being insincere, but really it’s a matter of respect and consideration for others.

Twins of which one is dressed in gray and one in black

Of course, there are many rules of courtesy that are no more than decoration. But other rules are fundamental and should not be forgotten. We give some examples of good habits. Greeting people and saying goodbye, saying thank you, not interrupting people when they talk, letting someone lead the way… These are small gestures that show that you are willing to get along with other people.

We want to pay attention here to another important aspect that is part of good manners and which we have apparently lost. It has to do with the use of mobile phones and smartphones. If you do not expect an urgent message, it is best to put your phone as far out of your sight as possible. That way he won’t distract you. You won’t miss anything exceptional if you put your phone aside for a while. On the contrary! You have much to gain.

Learn to control your anger

You can also learn how to control your anger, just like you can learn how to deal with any other emotion. There is a golden rule that can help us in moments of anger. When you’re angry, do the following three things first: don’t say anything, don’t do anything, and keep quiet. It’s that simple. Anger hardly ever helps to resolve a conflict.

As in other cases, this too is just a matter of practice. You can learn this by repeating. This feeling carries an energy. You just have to wait until the energy is reduced enough. Then you can communicate. Once the energy has subsided, you will be able to get your message across in the best way for you and for the relationship. At the same time, you will show self-control and respect for yourself and for the other person.

Personal relationships usually deteriorate as a result of poor anger management. Because when anger takes over, we show our worst side. We can even be very cruel. This mainly happens with the people we like to see. That’s because we know exactly how to hit them where it hurts.

Two girls camping together because they want to improve their relationships

Everything (or almost everything) is in the details

Certain attitudes or small details can significantly improve the quality of our personal relationships. They are small gestures that are a sign of generosity and benevolence towards others. It’s a good idea to incorporate that into your behavior. Here are some of those gestures:

  • Praise other people honestly. Few of us are in the habit of sharing the good things we think about others. Saying these things out loud is always satisfying.
  • Address people by their name.
  • The person who suffers from a problem is the one who gets to decide how important it is.
  • In case of a dispute, let the other person know that you appreciate their point of view and that you want to understand it.
  • Show interest in what the other person is thinking and feeling.
  • Don’t try to make the other person change their mind.

Good relationships are the result of efforts. Some people may be born with better skills to communicate easily with others, but we all have something to learn. This is especially true when we have a long history of communication problems or when our list of unresolved conflicts is quite long.

If you are able to improve the quality of your relationships, your life will be richer in all areas. This will also give you more confidence and improve your general well-being. When we communicate constructively with others, we feel more motivated and happier. 

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