The Strange Attraction Of Impossible Love

The Strange Attraction of Impossible Love

Who has never succumbed to the bitter sweetness and allure of impossible love? The first thought that comes to mind here is that of childhood love. Many young people have had feelings for their teachers at school. A platonic love that was satisfied with a look or a smile, which made them dream of more. Of course nothing could ever come of it. And yet there was a strange delight in just being able to dream about the possibility of love.

Of course, there are also those impossible loves for a pop star, an actress or any other celebrity. These are the feelings we can have for people we see on TV, for example, even though the object of our love has no idea of ​​our existence. We see them as if they are close to us, but in reality they are light years away. Yet many teenagers and even young people or adults have experienced this at one time or another.

However, the true impossible loves are the ones that start with a spark, pass into flames, but are sadly defeated by bad luck and insurmountable obstacles. They are feelings that are lived intensely and that somehow never die.

Different kinds of impossible love

Experts say there are basically three kinds of impossible love. One is ‘ghost love’, the other is ‘narcissistic love’ and finally there is ‘difficult love’. The first refers to cases where you fall in love with someone who doesn’t exist (the way you see them). You have to love someone and you give a certain person certain characteristics and values ​​that he does not have. That someone is almost always a way to fill in the gaps of childhood.

The outline of two figures whose hearts are bright red and large

On the other hand, there are the impossible narcissistic loves. Their impossibility lies in the fact that you will never be able to reach them. You spend your whole life looking for a perfect partner because you think you deserve it, but you never find one. It is a love for emptiness, a longing for an elevated version of one’s own ego. If you love in this way, you will only experience loneliness. You will never find someone to make the fantasy come true.

Finally, love is often impossible because of difficulties and obstacles. These are loves that have a hard time blossoming. It is the specific circumstances that make them very complicated. It could be that the other person is already in a relationship. Or it could be someone who simply can’t fall in love with you. Or there are other cases where there are strong religious or ideological contradictions that prevent this.

In this last group are the cases of great loves in which one of the partners dies. The partner dies, but the love that united you does not die. You are for a while entangled in a conflict that arises from loving someone who is no longer there. If there are no other emotional problems, then they are impossible loves that can be overcome with the help of time.

The pull of impossible love

It is these impossible loves that introduce us to the poet we all carry within us. The most pragmatic people have never experienced it, but they have missed an experience that left both hellish and miraculous impressions. All love needs some kind of impossibility to keep the fire burning. And when that utter impossibility is experienced, the soul burns, but so does our creativity and the impulse to live and die at the same time.

Man thinking about his impossible love

The impossibility of love feels like a tragedy. Anyway, this is what it feels like when you’re struggling to make it a reality. It fills you with fear and you find yourself in the paradox of not being able to leave the person, but at the same time you are also unable to get him. You experience suffering and joy at the same time, bliss and the abyss at the same time.

Despite everything, they have a unique appeal. They test you, they challenge the deepest part of you. And one thing is certain: you will never forget them. They are never commemorated with indifference. They fade with time, but they always remain a spark that makes your heart skip.

Only now and then impossible loves become a burden. This happens when you can’t give up the fantasy and stick to it blindly. When you can’t accept that it shouldn’t have been. This can cause terrible pain and it can even make you sick, but if you still want to learn to really love, these impossible loves can be the greatest teacher of all. 

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