Intrinsic Motivation: The Search For Meaning

The search for meaning in life is what drives our goals and motivations. When someone knows what he is passionate about, all kinds of doors will open for him. 
Intrinsic motivation: the search for meaning

The search for meaning is the key to intrinsic motivation and personal fulfillment. Setting yourself a goal and determining what is most important to you in life will give direction to your life on a daily basis. This is the only way to bring passion and energy into our work and keep those who distract us from achieving our goal.

It is common for psychologists to ask their patients three questions: ‘What defines you?’, ‘What are your values?’ and ‘What does life mean to you?’ We inherited these principles from Victor Frankl and his work in logotherapy, and they help us to uncover our motivations.

Today, many experts point out that the search for meaning is one of the most basic needs of our society.

Most of us are experiencing an unpleasant feeling of emptiness right now. A few decades ago, people still used religion and spirituality to fill this void. Today, however, we need more.

You could say that we no longer feel the need to know where we come from and what our position is in the cosmos. In the meantime, science has provided us with valuable answers and we have an enormous amount of information at our disposal. However, despite all the technological advancements, new fears arise in us.

‘Why am I here?’ Or ‘What do I expect from myself?’ These are questions that people often ask themselves. In other words, instead of wondering what the meaning of life is, we now have questions about our relationship with life and with ourselves.

Stairway to the cosmos

Intrinsic motivation: a commitment to yourself

There are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation stems from the need to behave in a certain way in order to receive an external reward. Intrinsic motivation is when someone does certain things for pleasure, without needing external stimuli.

A study conducted by Strathfield College shows that intrinsic motivation is governed by a series of concrete processes. Important characteristics such as creativity, curiosity, reflection, a critical mind and initiative therefore work together to generate intrinsic motivation.

Yet we are taught to be guided by extrinsic motivation for much of our lives. “If you do this, I’ll give you a good grade.” “Behave well and I’ll buy you those toys.” “If you pass, I’ll let you go on a journey.”

Moreover, our society also manipulates our behavior through a system of rewards, punishments and positive reinforcement. In essence , we have paid so much attention to outer gratification that we feel lost without it.

Dependence on the external world creates internal voids and blocks initiative and the guts to look for our own reward.

Woman thinks about life

The search for meaning: a personal obligation

The search for meaning is our intrinsic motivation. Once we discover a fundamental purpose or passion that will guide our values ​​and determination, everything changes. How do we do this though? We are burdened with so many obligations, limitations and distractions that it can be difficult for us to find our purpose.

Yet there is something we should not overlook: people are smart and brave. We can carry out our search for meaning in any scenario and situation:

  • Talking to other people and allowing ourselves to hear other points of view.
  • Travel.
  • Reading a book.
  • Learn new things.
  • Opening ourselves to new tastes.
  • Attend a conference.
  • Practicing a sport.
  • Meet new people.

Dedicate to yourself

Searching for meaning means devoting yourself to yourself. This could mean, for example, not ignoring your own needs. However, it can also mean spending more quality time with yourself, taking better care of yourself, or giving yourself the chance to experience new things.

Be curious, challenge yourself and make changes

Sometimes we have no choice but to unlearn certain things in order to learn new things. We’ve allowed ourselves to be limited by extrinsic motivation and our need for approval for so long that we’ve forgotten how exciting it can be to escape this cycle and challenge the world.

We must dare to think differently, be creative and make changes. Courage leads to discovery and the search for meaning allows us to do new things and break out of our routine.

In short, finding a life purpose is a personal commitment that we should all work towards. Experiences and opportunities help us to fill our voids. Often life reveals many meanings that we should focus our motivation on.

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