Anthony De Mello: Biography Of A Spiritual Mentor

Anthony de Mello was a great spiritual leader. Read all about him in this article!
Anthony de Mello: Biography of a Spiritual Mentor

Anthony de Mello was an Indian Jesuit priest, spiritual guide and psychotherapist. He became famous for his books, lectures and unique personality. Although he was seen by many as a difficult figure, for others he was an inspiring figure.

In his books such as A rediscovery of life , his latest work, he tells us that all people are born happy. However, little by little, people are becoming less aware of their potential by spending time in their personal cages. He believed that our own thoughts are our worst enemies.

On the other hand, Anthony de Mello believed in the need to accept our spiritual nature. He accepted all religious beliefs. He was especially comfortable among all these beliefs and considered them his home.

Therefore, his approach was often pantheistic and the Catholic Church did not like that. Pope Benedict XVI even banned his teachings while in the Vatican.

The influence of Anthony de Mello

Anthony de Mello is one of the authors whose books on spirituality have sold the most. The messages in those books are an invitation to personal growth. However, they are also very inspiring and revolutionary.

His main influences were the Buddhist master Ajahn Chah and the philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti. Although more than 30 years have passed since his death, his books are still being sold and inspiring new generations. He taught us to resolve conflicts and to work for our freedom and happiness.

A photo of a smiling Anthony de Mello

The biography of Anthony de Mello

Anthony de Mello was born on September 4, 1931 in Bombay, India. He belonged to an average Catholic family. His father Frank and mother Louisa, both from a Portuguese area called Goa, expected their eldest son to do well in the railway industry or to get an education.

However, Anthony de Mello knew he wanted to become a Jesuit priest. In July 1947, he finally decided to join the Society of Jesus at the Vinalaya Seminary on the outskirts of Bombay. Later, in 1952, he starts his academic education. He spent three years in Barcelona, ​​Spain, where he studied philosophy.

He later traveled to Loyola University of Chicago to train as a psychologist. He was influenced and inspired by Carl Rogers, the famous American psychologist who, along with Abraham Maslow, started the humanist movement.

Throughout his academic journey, de Mello has been able to learn from different cultures. He even learned Spanish, French, Portuguese and Marathi.

The search for spirituality in all religions

In the 1970s, Anthony de Mello opened his mind and heart to the Vipassanā meditation technique and Buddhist spirituality. According to him, all religions could offer all people a healing perspective. That’s why he accepted them all and they all inspired him.

In his view, the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ were as legitimate as those of Confucius, Laozi, or Buddha. Therefore, in books such as The Song of the Bird , published in 1982, Anthony de Mello defined spirituality as follows:

Another well-known side of this Jesuit and psychotherapist was also his great ability to organize spiritual retreats, in which he guided and inspired others. He had great charisma and a personality that many described as irresistible. To certain people, however, he was nothing more than a heretic.

He dared to think about ideas and defend points of view that traditional Catholics could not understand. He was thus an interfaith teacher who equally valued and defended Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Catholicism.

In short, all religions inspired him. His charisma always made him very convincing, which is why he attracted thousands of followers to his teachings.

A painting by Anthony de Mello

A Spiritual Master in the United States

In the 1970s he founded the Sadhana Institute in India. He spent the rest of his life in the United States introducing Eastern spirituality through stories and exercises. He was a spiritual healer and psychologist who traveled all over the world to teach people a certain prayer based on the Vipassanā meditation.

Some of his lectures were designed to help people focus on the present and become more aware of their emotions, thoughts and needs. He wrote a total of 18 books that inspired millions of people around the world.

Sadly, in 1987, at the young age of 55, Anthony de Mello died suddenly of a fatal heart attack. After his death, his spiritual and theoretical legacy lived on, somehow fulfilling many of his goals.

He taught us to be more aware of our worth. In addition, he especially invited us to ‘wake up’ and get in touch with ourselves and our environment.

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