Embarrassing Yourself Makes You Happier

Embarrassing yourself makes you happier

People who take themselves very seriously will find embarrassing themselves a terrifying thought. It is true that working flawlessly and appearing strong does our image good, especially when these things really matter. However, embarrassing ourselves, even in such situations, does not necessarily mean that it is the end of the world.

Feeling embarrassed goes beyond a sense of shame. Errors or failures are generally quickly disapproved. However, the one who feels so ridiculous because of this only hears the laughter of others at his mistake.

It is precisely this mockery that only makes the feeling of shame worse. As a result, they are in a situation that can cause discomfort or tension.

It is often the disproportion or inappropriate nature of the event that makes it so ridiculous. Therefore, it is very easy to embarrass ourselves in formal situations. These situations usually impose pretty strict social protocols on us.

As a result, we may end up crossing a border (or more). Although this makes us feel ridiculous, there is no escaping this. We’ve all experienced it once.

Embarrassing Clowns and Ourselves

Clowns are characters who make stupidity part of their comedy. Clowns stand for anything that is labeled as ridiculous. They dress strangely, often in colorful suits. They also use huge shoes, red noses and bizarre-looking face paint.

Clown with megaphone

Most of a clown routine consists of tripping and falling. This is often found very funny because clowns are always the victims of their own distraction. They are focused on one thing before suddenly tripping and falling.

A good clown act is full of misunderstandings. For example:

  • They eat a piece of cardboard because they think it’s cake
  • They kiss something inappropriate because they think they actually have a sweet person in front of them
  • Their mission goes awry because they can’t follow instructions.

A clown’s world is full of stupidity – but also full of innocent fun!

laughing at yourself

Realistically, you only embarrass yourself when you make a mistake and take it too seriously.

  • For example, if someone can’t dance but still pretends, they might embarrass themselves. People will probably laugh at this person.
  • Contrary to this scenario, someone who knows they can’t dance well can still come across as charming. How? By having fun to its own limitations!

So what’s the difference between one situation and another? One word: confidence. A confident person is always able to laugh at themselves. That’s because they accept themselves as they are. They can also accept their own mistakes.

However, if a person is insecure of themselves, they can quickly feel hurt or otherwise upset if someone makes fun of their failure.

It is a big mistake to believe that we only deserve affection and approval when we do something right,  when we make no mistakes, or when we only know exactly the right things to say. However, this does not lead to true self-esteem; it leads to feigned self-esteem.

Woman embarrasses herself

embarrass yourself

We all have different sides and clumsy habits. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s even very normal! It only takes a little distraction or a little misunderstanding to make a mistake. In these situations, we have only one antidote: sincerity and modesty.

We cannot expect ourselves to always do the right thing in every situation. What we  have to do is work hard on our pride. In this way we can build a positive self-image. 

For this we all have to accept our shortcomings, strengths, mistakes and victories. That way, we will eventually no longer want to hide ourselves. We no longer have to pretend, or just show our “good sides” to others.

We can also let ourselves get used to embarrassing ourselves. Make a funny face while standing in front of the mirror, or go outside without making up or dressing up. Put on your simple clothes and draw attention to you.

You may also shock someone. However, you will realize that you are still yourself and you may even be able to laugh at yourself along with the rest.

Most importantly, you’ll be happier and more relaxed if you allow yourself to be a little playful every now and then (without it bothering you).

Nothing fuels the sense of accomplishment like a little spontaneity. Nothing gives us more confidence than when we free ourselves from worrying about what someone else thinks of us. 

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