If They Make You Wait (too Long), Let Go

If they keep you waiting (too long), let go

Relationships aren’t meant to procrastinate (endlessly), and neither are emotions. So if someone tries to mold you into the straitjacket of his or her desire, don’t be a willful lump of clay. Revolt and defend your own unique form. Begging for love is not healthy, because as we all know, appreciation and affection mean very little if we always (first) have to ask for it. If a (potential) partner keeps you waiting (every time), then you have the choice, and maybe even the right, to step up, take matters into your own hands, and let him go.

Why? . If you humbly subject yourself to the idea that one’s selfishness will eventually transform into gratitude and affection, you’re actually wasting your time.

When you really love someone, then you love him – every day anew – and therefore not at random, or only if you are in a good mood. A lot of people put their emotional well-being – in an unfortunate, inward twist – on the line, or in the fridge. Thus they wait, passively and submissively, in the place where others have left them behind, and ‘in the middle’.

Of course it happens in a relationship that one, or both partners, need a moment, or even a period, of authentic reflection, to get their priorities and feelings clear(more) – but that is a completely different theme, and not true. we warn against in this article.

To wait

Prioritize yourself, choose to be happy

Giving yourself priority and offering preferential treatment is above all a matter of having the courage to do so. Because when your subjective experience degenerates into a mine-strewn battlefield between your own desires and other people’s expectations (yours), sooner or later you will fall into a bottomless emotional pit.

You deserve to be listened to and cherished. You deserve to be the protagonist in, and of, your existential-biographical  film, projected on a canvas, or background and background, of unconditional self-love, which – ideally – continuously blooms and grows, regardless of the opinions and sentiments of others. .

Save yourself from your conditioned impulses; don’t be fooled by false promises, which will put you in the waiting room – time and again. Because when your pure desires and relational rights are mocked or systematically ignored, the high price is simply not worth paying. Renounce the old-fashioned idea that in war and in love all things are fair. Feeling good is not tied to the grace or grace of another. It is your verdict, and responsibility.

To wait

The main adventure is learning to love yourself

Choosing for yourself is a decision that guarantees you the greatest happiness. To help you do this, we have divided this process, this development, into some very useful hints, which you should re-member as regularly as possible :

Surround yourself with people who add something to your life, instead of plucking you out

The people who – from the inside – enlighten, delight, stir and move you, and always consider you, they are worth your time, attention and energy. Being able to say goodbye to the relationships that prolong or sustain your agony is a primary pillar of emotional health that everyone should recognize and recognize.

Authentic people = authentic relationships

We tend to copy-and-paste (the model of) our bygone relationships onto our newly emerging relationships. We conform to monotonous, unsatisfying relationships for fear of insecurity, emotional poverty, and lack. But people don’t always fit (anymore) with who we are (now), or with what we need – and vice versa. Resolutely saying goodbye to the crippling internal fear, to the stagnation of fear, will help you to resume the quest for meaningful, fulfilling relationships without hesitation.

To wait

Affirm your inherent powers and take better care of yourself

To be happy, you have to take a proud journey inward, and work on your most basic qualities, on your intrinsic character. When we allow something or someone to oppress or hinder our growth, we risk the realization of our unique talents, dig ourselves into a deep, dark hole, and weaken ourselves before we have seriously tested our potential. .

If you know how to find – and create – the right balance inside, positive change will subtly surprise you. So beneficial and natural the air of your life, and in your psychological lungs , will then clear. That is why it is extra important to keep your love for yourself very important. Not only when that comes up spontaneously, or feels simple, but all the more so when you feel trapped or lame. Open your eyes, and stand up for yourself, no matter what. That is an essential skill, for the constant achievement of intrinsic harmony.

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