How Can You Heal An Emotional Wound On Your Soul?

How can you heal an emotional wound on your soul?

We are always in a hurry, way too much of a hurry. We try to balance our stress and anxiety, which feed on all the responsibilities and pressures we carry on our shoulders. As time goes by, our burdens only increase. Without us even realizing it. And we forget how important it is to heal every emotional wound.

All of this causes us to become disconnected from our essence, from our soul. A disconnection that affects us negatively. And it is often very difficult to heal an emotional wound that comes from this disconnection. Read on to discover the best ways to heal your soul.

We don’t realize that we are simply living on autopilot. That this has become our standard way of life. Often we just act and react impulsively, without thinking too much and without enjoying the activity itself. This is how we come to the conclusion that a day does not have enough hours, and hours not enough minutes, and that we have no time at all for our souls.

Don’t run, let your soul overtake you

Before we explain more, let’s take a little trip to Africa and think about this story that sends a good message.

‘A long time ago, an explorer ventured into one of the most inhospitable areas of Africa. Only his porters accompanied him. They all carried a machete to cut their way through the thick vegetation. The explorer had only one goal in mind: to get through the jungle quickly, no matter the cost.

If they came across a river, they had to cross it in the shortest possible time. If there was a hill, they ran faster and faster so as not to waste a minute. But suddenly the porters stopped walking.

The explorer was surprised, because they had only walked for a few hours.

“Why did you stop? Are you tired yet? We’re only a few hours away,” he said.

One of the porters looked at him and replied:

“No sir, we are not tired. But we’ve gone too fast and we’ve left our souls behind. Now we will have to wait for it to catch up with us again”.’

Woman whose head turns into a swarm of flies

Don’t ignore the pain of an emotional wound

This is a beautiful African story that reflects the danger of being left behind if we are only focused on how fast we are going. This will be our only goal. If we only focus on the goal, it can shorten our travel time. However, the time we lose in favor of our senses will be the price we pay in the long run.

Sometimes we rush through life trying to ignore the pain of all the things that have hurt us. As much as we try to escape and ignore the pain, it will never leave us and continue to limit us. We think that if we ignore our emotional wounds, they will just disappear. In many cases this may be the case, but in other cases these wounds simply need to be treated.

We may need to disinfect our souls or care for the wounds in a special way. It requires emotional intelligence to distinguish such emotional wounds.

It takes time to heal an emotional wound

No matter how hard we try to ignore an emotional wound, it will always leave an impression on our brains. In fact, we often tend to carry over into adulthood traumas from childhood or other significant emotional events that have had an impact on our lives. If we can’t see what’s happening, or don’t stop to think about what’s going on and fix the problem, it will be virtually impossible for our wounds to heal. They will just stay open.

All our negative experiences leave a deep impression on the neurological level and will continue to bleed no matter how hard we try to ignore them.  In many cases, being strong has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and just moving on. It has more to do with studying the cliff and finding a way to build a bridge to save ourselves.

By this we mean that we should look our grief straight in the eye. This is what we need to do to find out what it’s trying to tell us. Or that we need to find a way to expend the energy that comes from our negative emotions. Without causing harm to anyone else. We should also try to give our fear a period of respite so that it can restore its normal heartbeat. That way it will beat at a frequency that is helpful to us and will encourage us, rather than consume us.

Dead tree hanging full of bells

What happens to our soul?

What happens to our souls if we don’t think about things the way we should and just carry on as if nothing happened? Well, if the abyss is very steep and our normal steps are not big enough to step over it, we will eventually descend very deep. In this way we ensure that the difficulties that we could have solved quickly on our own turn into very serious problems. Problems that we need help with and that require time to be solved.

The situations that push us to the limit are the things we can learn the most from. However, if we want to come out stronger, we have to look inside ourselves. We have to learn from everything we’ve been through.

We must learn to evaluate our emotions with intelligence. They all have a message for us and we need intelligence to decipher this message. Our attitude should allow us to do this. If not, we are surrounded by emotions that make us feel very strange. We lose ourselves in a sea of ​​responsibilities. We sweep our problems under that endless carpet.

Moving forward is important, but it is even more important not to miss what is happening along the way. Time is what we use to ignore the pain in our soul. And time itself is what escapes our open wounds. It takes love to heal such an emotional wound, not ignorance.

Woman in a red dress sitting alone in the desert to heal the emotional wound on her soul

Images Courtesy of Samantha Gross 

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