Somatic Emotions In Emotionally Dependent People

Somatic emotions in emotionally dependent people

If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you’re probably familiar with the idea of ​​somatic emotions. That’s when your body starts developing physical symptoms for no apparent reason. Here are some examples: the feeling that something is stuck in your throat, sudden skin rashes or digestive problems. Today we know that emotional somatization in emotionally dependent people is not just a habit that develops. It’s even stronger than usual.

When your emotions shift to physical symptoms, the following problem occurs. You are unable to connect what you feel with what is happening in your body. You try to justify your stomach pain by blaming something contagious you ate.

Or you could argue that your eczema is due to an allergic reaction to something else. Sometimes, but not always, you suffer from anxiety. You are then in a dependent relationship. In that case, your symptoms probably mean something more.

We want to better understand how somatization occurs in emotionally dependent people. For that reason, we will tell you the fictional story of Rebecca. This character will give us a better understanding of what a relationship with an unhealthy attachment looks like.

Emotionally Dependent People: Rebecca’s Story

The pathologies of Rebecca

Rebecca had been with her boyfriend for three years. However, things didn’t go well at all. He always played video games and just wanted to stay home. Rebecca, on the other hand, wanted to go out more and do other things. There were also many other aspects of their relationship that indicated that they were not compatible.

However, Rebecca had started dating him because she was afraid of being alone. As a result, it was not so easy to leave her partner.

In addition, Rebecca didn’t get along very well with her boyfriend’s mother. She was a single mother and very attached to her son. She kept calling him. Sometimes she even pretended to be sick to get his attention.

This was a constant source of conflict for the couple. She would then argue and get angry. Eventually everything went back to how it was before.

Somatic emotions are signals

During the third year of their relationship, something strange started to happen to Rebecca. At the most random moments she had an allergic reaction in her face. Sometimes a sudden rash occurred while she was intimate with her boyfriend. At first, Rebecca wasn’t really worried. She took antihistamines and just went on with her life.

This is a clear example of how emotions can manifest in your body when you have an unhealthy attachment. So it is typical for emotionally dependent people. We already mentioned it at the beginning of the article.

Emotional somatization is a clear sign that something is wrong. In addition, if you ignore the symptoms, your body will try other things to get your attention. Until you realize what’s going on and try to change the situation, you may have digestive problems, pain or skin problems.

The moment when everything got worse

One day, while dining with the friends of her boyfriend’s mother, she found it difficult to talk . She felt as if her throat was closing. That night she managed to keep it under control. However, it continued to occur in other situations as well. When she went to the doctor, they told her she had a “strep throat”.

Rebecca didn’t pay much attention to the problem. She ignored it just as she’d ignored the rash. She also turned a blind eye to it when she began to experience insomnia, intense headaches, and nausea. In addition, she even started having very severe stomach pains before meeting her boyfriend.

Headache, Stomachache, Nausea can be signs

One time her boyfriend got angry about something that had to do with his mother. He left. She didn’t hear from him for a while. When she called him, he didn’t even pick up the phone. She had no idea where he was. Rebecca then hit rock bottom. She was convinced he wanted to leave her.

From that moment on, she began to have unbearable headaches. She also lost her appetite and suffered from low blood pressure. She couldn’t get off the couch because she felt dizzy. When her boyfriend finally called her, all her symptoms almost completely disappeared. She felt so much better that she simply forgot how she had felt initially.

The relationship with dependence

Rebecca didn’t realize she no longer wanted to be with her boyfriend. She always yelled at him because he wanted to be home at a certain time to play his video games. She was also fed up with his mother and angry that he had never set boundaries for his mother.

Rebecca was tired of dealing with the same problems all the time. Besides, she was mad at herself too. The reason was that she hadn’t said anything in the beginning. After all, at first she was not aware of what was happening. Now everything annoyed her.

Deep down, she wanted to end the relationship. It wore her out. However, she was unable to do so. Rebecca was terrified of being alone. This is something we usually see in emotionally dependent people. Her inability to make a rational decision was reflected in her body.

She wasn’t in a relationship that made her feel good. In the end, Rebecca left her boyfriend. However, she already had another person in mind. At all costs she tried to avoid being alone. After a while she started showing the same symptoms. However, they were a hundred times worse. The cycle repeated and the symptoms got worse.


You see what happens if you don’t solve the problem that leads to somatic emotions. It will occur again in the company of other people and in different circumstances. Emotionally dependent people need to realize that experiencing somatic emotions is a signal that you need to check. Investigate what luggage you have been carrying with you for such a long time. Find out and do something about it.

Recognize the signals of somatic emotions

In emotionally dependent people, somatic emotions can be very serious. They can cause panic attacks, multiple health problems and an intense feeling of unhappiness.

Most people who suffer from dependence do not realize what is happening to them. Still, they should stop and listen to themselves and their bodies. Then they would know they need to change something.

Our intent is not just to use this story to learn how to recognize these symptoms in other people. We must also learn to see these kinds of problems in ourselves. Only then can we take action.

If you believe that your body is sending you a message through your emotions, try listening. You will probably eventually discover something really valuable. 

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