Nothing Heals People Better Than Love

Nothing heals people better than love

You must have been a little skeptical reading this title. In our world, the strategies we use to heal people are based on competition and manipulation.  The word love may be too corny or idealistic.

But in reality there is no other way to achieve this. In fact, you could say that this is the only way that really works. The only thing that really makes us change. To change people, you have to love them.

Loving someone unconditionally does not mean putting up with situations that make you unhappy. Stopping something is also an act of love, if you know how to do it right. Divorce doesn’t mean the end of love.

If all you want to do is change someone, then let them go

Loving someone means giving yourself to someone unconditionally. It should not cause suffering, but sometimes it implies uncertainty and going through difficult times. This is especially the case when it comes to our partner. With them we share certain parts of ourselves that others don’t get to see. We open our body and soul. We expose ourselves to the eye of another, which makes us anxious, but also what we find exciting.

We discover things about ourselves that we didn’t know existed, but love brings out passion. The most beautiful and frightening passions imaginable.

The concept of romantic love that has been sold to us is frustrating. No one told us that living together can be difficult, that we would sometimes start to doubt the love of the other person and also ourselves, on several occasions.

Unconditional love

True love is not difficult or easy, but requires dedication and large doses of patience and trust. The love the other person gives us does not serve to fill our emotional voids, because only we can handle them. It is no less true, however, that many of us can heal our wounds with a simple gesture of affection. With one of those cuddly toys that can put all the little broken and scattered pieces back together.

Unconditional love makes things happen

Many relationships end because we love someone “half heartedly”. Because we use an endless number of strategies to make our love less obvious or obvious.  It is said that you seem vulnerable when you show your heart, but that is not true.  The real disaster would be that our life would end without going for love.

Humans are made to love unconditionally.

People are made to love

People are destined to be loved and surprised with small details in their daily lives. What matters is their response. So you can give them more than you think is sensible, because prudence is not a virtue when it comes to love. It’s just a shield.

Many of us spend years in school. We interact with endless numbers of people and somehow spend almost our entire lives on this. As children, mothers, employees, husbands or sisters. We never showed the people around us how important it is to us.

We no longer know the healing power of a hug, a kiss on the cheek, a handshake or a smile. We take the details for granted, when in reality they mean a lot. Ask yourself why your relationship with someone isn’t going well. Before you ask yourself why you’re so determined to throw in the towel, think about whether you’ve ever tried to love someone unconditionally.

Remember that people are meant to be loved. When they perceive this, changes take place that can never be explained in any logical, mathematical or medical way.

If you ever feel like a relationship has nowhere to go, remember that you can also show love by saying goodbye. Only then can your love turn into a memory instead of a resentment. People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. Not the other way around.

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