Don’t Lose Your Worth By Someone Who Doesn’t Know What He Has

Don't lose your worth by someone who doesn't know what he's got

It’s normal for us to feel like we’re losing our worth in the eyes of people we love when they don’t neglect us. We ultimately believe that the reasons they don’t allow us to love them will always be our personal faults, as we often say,  “because of who I am” or  “because we don’t click.”

In other words, we end up giving ourselves no value when it comes to our urge to ask questions and get answers regarding just about anything. This loss of value due to habit or routine is very normal in relationships. The magic disappears, along with the caresses and affection, and eventually love breaks down.

However, saying it’s normal doesn’t mean it doesn’t overwhelm us with emotional misery, that it doesn’t affect us when the relationship ends, the relationship that promised to be everything and ended up being nothing. Knowing that this can happen makes it very important for us to be aware of our abilities to avoid pain.

The painful loss of value in the eyes of the one we love

Habit is undoubtedly to blame for our loss of value in the eyes of those we love. We often get used to what we have and don’t appreciate what our partner, our friends, or our family members mean in our lives.

As a result, we neglect and ignore the care, affection and daily victories. We set aside the smiles, the good days, the caresses mixed with loving words, and the opportunity to surprise.

Over time we become routine, obligation and indifference, turning into cold stones, numb, immobile and passive.

Maybe we are friendly to other people, we are focused on our work, on new hobbies, on sports, on other friendships and relationships and so on. But we often forget to be what we are supposed to be to THAT PERSON. Then love dies, captive to the onslaught of indifference and that bad habit of not appreciating what we have.

Routine is inevitable, but we don’t lose value because of it

It is often said that you don’t know what you have until you lose it. Nothing is less true. We do know what we have; what happens is we don’t believe there will come a day when we lose everything.

We think that those PEOPLE will always be there, that we have to accept everything to earn the time we have left with our partner, that this is just a bad phase and bad habits. If something goes wrong, it will get better over time.

Eventually, the time will probably come when one of the two partners in the relationship gets the idea (or better yet, the feeling ) that what  cannot be solved by turning the pages will always be saved by picking up another book. . This is perfectly normal and understandable, because we cannot spend our entire lives committed to a relationship that eats us up inside, that ends our expectations, and that strips us of our desires.

Being together is much more than loving each other. This is why, for any love to progress, it is essential that there is mutual interest and that it is displayed as such. Otherwise, the relationship will turn into an emotional war of attrition for the party of the relationship who wants to but can’t.

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