The People Who Cheer Me Up In Difficult Times

The people who cheer me up in difficult times

The people who deserve a place in my life are the people who stay by my side, who support me and cheer me up. We should remember this message for times when we feel disappointed.

In the case of relationships, everything is not all rosy and the conflicts we have with others can sometimes be very hurtful and difficult. This is perfectly normal as long as we are able to resolve these conflicts appropriately.

However, sometimes negativity, malice, and a lack of reciprocity can make us wonder if it might be better to take a different path and say goodbye to this person.

Letting go

Breaking up is hard

Sometimes a divorce is necessary to grow as a person. Nevertheless, it can be extremely difficult to say goodbye, especially when we have to say goodbye to someone who was very important to us.

When we free ourselves by deciding to end the relationship, the first thing we should realize is how grateful we can be for everything we’ve learned and unlearned by constantly going round and round about something that never really worked. Another way to give the separation some meaning is to understand that we can learn something from everything, really everywhere.

“Life retains its meaning in all circumstances. It literally remains meaningful until its last moment, right down to its last breath.”

-Viktor Frankl-


The feeling of not being loved hurts

The feeling that someone doesn’t love you can cause two serious wounds: abandonment and humiliation. The second wound is harder to spot because it requires us to shine light on our pain. This can make us feel like failures, even though it actually makes us human.

When we no longer love someone when there are enough reasons to do so, from someone we have built great stories with, it causes us to break our emotional patterns.

This upsets us and we live for a while in a certain kind of tension that we can’t put an end to because we don’t really know where the tension comes from and we can’t communicate with it.

No matter how much we love ourselves, no matter how well we know ourselves, and no matter how determined we are, the decision to say goodbye to someone is always extremely painful.

Heart Bury

We won’t be the same after we say goodbye

With every goodbye something breaks in us, there is always something that tears our hopes and our feelings to shreds. This part of us will never be the same again; it cannot be put back together or rise again in us.

This makes us feel nostalgic and experience enormous sadness when we fantasize about what could have been, but unfortunately isn’t. Moreover, the idea of ​​having to say goodbye to someone causes us an enormous amount of anxiety, forcing us to feel compelled, as it were, to hold on to the impossible.

Sun Holding

Ultimately, saying goodbye to certain people in our lives is accompanied by a painful process of suffering. However, this separation is necessary to be able to find ourselves again and to realign our emotions.

People change and so do relationships. This happens even when we are determined to achieve something that will never happen. However, saying goodbye to relationships that are not good for us, for which there is no cure, is also something that can save us.

So when we realize that something is not quite right and that our feelings are only noticeable in their inexplicable absence, it is important to know that you are able to choose who you want in your life and who you want. that goes out of your life.

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