The Art Of Living In The Present Moment

The art of living in the present moment

It seems obvious that we have to live in the present, and yet for many it is the exception rather than the rule. Why? Because being truly present is more than being physically in a certain place; it implies connection with our essence, which is beautiful and undisturbed. Unfortunately, this inner peace is sometimes violently imbalanced by our thoughts and emotions, which keep us from the present moment.

What You Are Not: Your Thoughts

Descartes, the famous French philosopher of the 17th century said, “I think, therefore I am.” This statement defines the way modern man identifies himself: through his ideas and thoughts. Today, however, other views are held that challenge the position of this respectable and learned philosopher. Because  even though thoughts and ideas are powerful and important, they remain relative and fleeting. That is, if we define ourselves by what we think, we would base our identity on quicksand.

After all, what others and even ourselves think about ourselves does not define us. They are simply concepts that never fail to capture our true essence. In addition, the endless tirade of the thoughts of our inner dialogue produces a noise that prevents us from hearing the beautiful melody of the present. It keeps us disconnected from the present moment.

Whatever You Are Not: Your Emotions

From the moment Freud exposed and began to interpret the subconscious, psychology has shaped the way we perceive our mental and emotional lives. But psychology, as a science, is based on a mechanistic and rational model with an emphasis on pathology and disease. If we also have certain symptoms or behaviors, we are labeled, given medication and we are even sentenced to ‘carry the burden’ of our ‘mental illness’ for life.

While there is no denying that emotions are part of our humanity, they are at the same time fleeting and not the deepest and truest part of our being. Emotions are temporary phenomena, just like storms and hurricanes. But they always pass, and then the imperturbable sky reappears, because it was actually always there, no matter how horrible the meteorological (or psychological) phenomenon may have been.

According to Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, we shouldn’t take emotions too seriously. They can only take us over if we identify ourselves with them and give them the power to control us. Don’t kid yourself, your presence goes beyond emotions and is unflappable. From the heights of your presence you can watch the storm of your emotions pass; accept them, feel them, but without any unnecessary suffering. Rest assured that your presence is an inexhaustible and permanent source of happiness and peace.

More things you’re not

The list of things you are not does not end with thoughts and emotions. There are many more things that disconnect us from the present moment, such as the way we identify ourselves with our skills (I’m smart or I’m stupid), possessions (I’m rich or I’m poor), achievements or titles ( I am a businessman, doctor or criminal).

All these circumstances come and go. They are relative. They are nothing more than concepts and labels that do not shape our presence. We have them today, but tomorrow… who knows? However, they haunt us because they keep us away from the present moment, when it is the only thing that allows us to connect with ourselves. And so we worry about what we did or didn’t do in the past or we worry about what might eventually happen in the future.
So all you have to do is throw open the present moment that you have in front of you right now. There you will find your presence, the best gift you can give to yourself and others.

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