Our Actions Define Who We Are, Not Our Intentions

It has always been much easier to create expectations than to meet them. As a result, we tend to be more familiar with coincidences rather than certainties. What eventually happens is that you tend to forget that you are what you do, not what you say you will do. You are what your actions say about you and your intentions are simply the decoration.


Your actions leave a trail that can lead you to others or reverberate in the near future. A reaction or attitude towards a situation can make all the difference. In other words, the good heart you have must match your actions and thoughts. What you say resonates with other people, but it is what you do that really makes an impact and can be felt.

The frustration of expectations

We like expectations and, to some extent, they seem to inspire us to achieve what we want. They are created as impulses and fill us with dreams to grow or to make others happy. In this way, expectations are the starting point of authenticity, because they arise from the deepest part of ourselves. But they are also born of fragility and frustration.

Deeds Intentions

Without even realizing it, many of our daily thoughts are actually expectations and illusions that fuel our promises. Not only promises of others, but also your personal belief in your own promises and the promises of others. ‘ He promised me we’d go out and celebrate and now we can’t’, ‘I’m sure I’ll do really well in the interview. I prepared well’, ‘She expects that CD I showed her for her birthday, but I forgot to buy it’. These could be everyday examples of what we’re talking about.

In some cases,  when promises and expectations are not accompanied by the necessary effort to realize them, it ultimately boils down to disappointment, sadness and irritation. Intentions are not absolute truths. And it can be a mistake to believe in them as if they are. In this way you can only hold on to a fact without fear of losing it when it is fully implemented.

You are what you do: your actions define you

In the movie Batman Begins , someone said, ” It’s not who you are inside, your actions define you.” They apparently wanted to reflect more deeply on this topic. It’s not that who we are inside doesn’t count. But,  to the outside world, our actions betray us anyway, regardless of what we do with our words.

Basically, you are what you do. Because if your heart is good, your relationships will notice it in the smallest details. And, conversely, if your heart is not right, the promises and expectations you create will not obscure this fact.

In fact, we all have three personalities: what we are, what we think we are, and what others think we are. This is reason enough to try to get all three of them to live in harmony. If we say we’re going to do something and we don’t, it results in a clash of the three personalities. And negative emotions arise from it.

And good intentions then?

Good intentions are fundamental. Since without good intentions the end result is rarely good. It is beneficial to constantly have the intention to conquer yourself. For example in your work, where the goals you set for yourself are so important.

Deeds Intentions

But having an intention or achieving a goal does not in itself lead to that goal. For example, how many New Year’s resolutions have you actually fulfilled in the last few months? Having positive intentions gives us vitality and adrenaline, but we must accompany these intentions with action, with movement.

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