7 Beautiful Quotes About Forgiveness

7 Beautiful Quotes About Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an act of compassion, but above all of liberation – for those who receive it, but especially for those who bestow it. This selflessness to one another is fundamental to maintaining our emotional stability. It allows us to close old chapters and open new ones. It is very difficult to feel good while holding a grudge, so today we have collected some wonderful quotes about forgiveness for you that will help you do this.

In many cases, it is not easy to forgive the people who have hurt us, especially when our whole being is crying out for revenge. Often our own actions only make this resentment worse. It’s even harder when the wound was caused by someone we love or value. That is why we see forgiveness as selflessness; a decision we make deep in our own souls.

Forgiveness is a sublime act, and it is the result of a process of reconciliation. This implies a new agreement. An agreement not to repeat the actions that caused the problem. It’s always worth it. For ourselves and for others. Here are the 7 quotes about forgiveness we want to share with you.

Forgiveness is not easy

One of the quotes about forgiveness that will help you is this beautiful quote from Benjamin Franklin. He wrote: “The three hardest things in this world are: keeping a secret, learning to forgive, and making the most of our time.”

Forgiveness is never easy, neither for one nor for the other. In both cases it takes greatness. From the one who asks for forgiveness, because he must admit his mistake and commit himself not to repeat the wrong. And from the one who forgives, because it requires generosity, generosity and understanding for the weaknesses of others.

Set at sunset

Two more great quotes about forgiveness

Mahatma Gandhi left us many sayings that will help you forgive. Forgiveness was central to the philosophy of his entire life. One of his sayings reads: “Forgiveness is for the brave and courageous. Only he who is strong enough to forgive a transgression knows how to love.”

Gandhi made a connection between forgiveness and love, as both virtues require strength. So did Martin Luther King, who said, “He who cannot forgive is incapable of love.” In love there is always the ability to forgive… and in forgiveness there is always the ability to love.

Forgiveness is a blessing

William Shakespeare offers us a vision of forgiveness that reveals its magnitude. It favors not only the one who receives it, but also the one who bestows it. He once wrote: “Forgiveness descends like gentle rain from heaven on the crust of the earth. Double is her blessing; who gives it and who gets it. She blesses them.”

Boat on still water

One who can forgive, who can forget the wrongdoing, becomes a greater person. He can forget the damage done to him and strives for peace with the other. The one who is forgiven receives this benefit, but not free of charge. He will only grow if he admits his mistake and admits that his behavior was not acceptable.

The need for forgiveness

One of the main reasons for forgiving is the fact that all people make mistakes. This reminds us of a saying by Jacinto Benavente: “We only learn to forgive in life when we need to be forgiven by others.” We are human and sooner or later we all need forgiveness.

On the other hand, there are also people who always blame themselves and are very hard on themselves when they make mistakes. They feel the eternal need to apologize for everything they do. In this regard, Confucius says , “Forgive all in those who do not forgive themselves.”  These are words that only the truly selfless mind can put into practice.

Forgiveness gives you peace

Also Demián Bucay reminds us of the great benefit obtained by those who forgive. One of his thoughts reads: “After a wrongdoing, the only way to restore your inner peace and achieve your freedom and psychological balance is to forgive. Only then will we heal the wound and prevent resentment from paralyzing us.”

Woman in flower field

This last quote is a real eye opener. Resentment has great power and feeds on itself. If it is very intense and stays in our lives for a long time, it will eventually paralyze us. It limits our emotional life and prevents us from moving on.

It would be great if these quotes about forgiveness were ‘present’ in everyone’s mind. Forgiveness liberates us and makes us better people. Most important of all is to do it with all our heart. It’s not just a ritual to get rid of guilt, but rather a moment to stop and think again. And if you put it into practice, it will really help you and those around you grow.

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