5 Things Kids Never Forget About Their Parents

5 things kids never forget about their parents

Every parent wants to have great children. That they are friendly from childhood and, as adults, behave as responsible and useful persons to society. However, much more energy is put into that than laying a foundation for the contemporary path we are walking. Some parents think that when their children are young they should obey and that’s what parenting is all about. 

As a result, we have more and more unhappy children and unhappy adults. If there are no criteria for a consistent, logical and stable upbringing, the likelihood of children displaying rebellious and/or rebellious behavior increases.

Maybe fickle, maybe authoritarian and, at the very least, unstable. In this way , children cannot build an affectionate and close bond with their parents, but live in silent or open war with them.

One of the most important parts of our lives is childhood. There the foundations are laid for a healthy mind and a clean heart. In this way , the behaviors of parents leave an eternal mark: sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but usually deeply. These are 5 of those behaviors that kids never forget.

1. Children will never forget abuse


No relationship is perfect, especially not one as intense as that of parents with their children. There will always be moments of contradiction or conflict and that is completely normal. What is changing is the way of resolving these conflicts and unfortunately many parents mistakenly assume that violence is a means of upbringing.

Boy covering his ears

Violence can intimidate a child and cause him to do exactly what the parent wants. But this abuse can be the source of low self-esteem and the source of resentment.

The child is placed in a very complex situation: he loves and hates at the same time. He also learns to fear. A child’s heart is very sensitive, and if it hurts constantly, the child will turn into an insensitive person over time.

2. Children will never forget how the other parent is treated

The relationship between parents is the starting point for a child to enter into relationships of its own. It is very likely that as an adult, consciously or unconsciously, you will repeat with your partner what you have seen at your parents’ home. It is probably repeated with the people they love.

Conflicts between parents cause distress to the child. One of the possible consequences will be that the child gets himself into trouble to get the attention of the parents who are not present, as they are focused on other conflicts that they have to resolve. In addition, the love relationships developed by this pattern may or may not be enjoyed.

3. Kids will never forget the moments when they felt protected

Children’s fears are greater and more insidious than those of adults. It is difficult for children to distinguish between reality and imagination. Parents are the individuals most relied upon to provide the sense of security children need to learn and explore the unknown. So if it’s the parents who cause fear, they will feel totally unprotected.

Father holding daughter


Parents should listen carefully to these fears without criticizing or minimizing them. It must be made clear to the children that they are not in danger. This will increase the sense of security for the children and make the bond of love and respect with the parents much stronger.

4. Children will never forget a lack of attention

For a child, the love he receives from his parents and the care he receives from them are closely related. For children, there are no expressions of affection such as working more in order to afford an expensive school. They won’t believe you love them if you don’t spend time with them getting to know them and their world.

Children will never forget that their father or mother gave them a green shirt, when they had constantly said they wanted a purple one. Or that they were promised something that was never fulfilled.

They experience inattention as a kind of abandonment, as a message that reads: “you are not important enough.” Therefore, an imprint of pain will remain in their hearts.

5. Children will never forget the appreciation of family

They will always remember that their mother or father was able to see the family as the first priority in various circumstances. Children need and enjoy celebrations, regardless of whether there are many or few gifts involved. It is also very important to them that mother and father take Christmas seriously.

Things Kids Never Forget About Their Parents

When parents put the family first, the child learns the value of loyalty and affection. As an adult, the child will also be able to set aside other obligations to visit his parents if they need to. They will be in balance and have more ability to give and receive affection.



All those impressions left during childhood accompany us for the rest of our lives. They often make the difference between a healthy life and a life full of conflict. An upbringing full of affection and love is the best gift a person can give to another. 

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