Do You Underestimate Yourself?

Do you underestimate yourself?

Do you underestimate yourself? Many people constantly underestimate themselves. This prevents them from making progress in their goals and goals in life. Underestimation is due to low self-esteem, low self-confidence and self-assurance  and so on.

Today we’re going to explore how someone who underestimates themselves behaves. If you recognize yourself in any of the following characteristics, try to solve it! Don’t allow yourself to live your life always underestimating yourself.

You reject compliments

Modesty can be one of your qualities. But the truth is that modesty can be a sign of underestimation. At first glance, simple sentences like “it’s nothing”, “it’s not that great” or “I don’t care” can indicate a real problem.


Don’t underestimate yourself! Accept compliments that people give you in good faith because if they compliment you it’s because you deserve it. Believe it!

You constantly refer to the opinion of others

If you are someone who underestimates themselves, your way of speaking is probably characterized by constantly referring to what other people have done or said. For example: “my husband/wife/partner says…”, “my teacher said that…” This indicates a lack of certainty about what you are saying.

You also support your own opinion with others : “Ask so-and-so if you don’t believe me”, “Right, Ramona?” Things like this make us very vulnerable and insecure.

You avoid thinking about yourself first

When was the last time you treated yourself? People who underestimate themselves tend to think they can’t afford certain liberties, such as giving in to something just because they like it. But why not treat yourself?

You don’t have to do everything for everyone else – you deserve nice things too! Give yourself the time to put what you deserve first. Even if it’s just once! Give it a try. It’s not selfish, it’s just loving yourself.

You think that others have a negative image of you

When will you stop thinking those laughing people are laughing at you? When someone asks you out, it immediately triggers that annoying little thought that it won’t be long because “if he gets to know me, he’ll walk away.” You take a sincere compliment as an act of charity, something someone says so you won’t feel so bad about yourself.

To gossip

Have faith in yourself. When you consider that there is sincerity in the words of others and that you are not the subject of their laughter, you will become stronger and grow in confidence. Don’t think things that really aren’t true. You’re the only one who underestimates you. Don’t allow that!

You don’t think you’re unique

Another form of thinking and behavior of people who underestimate themselves is the belief that they are not unique. For example, someone who underestimates himself or herself will think that people who ask him or her out or give him a nice gift, do so for everyone. He or she will think, “I am nothing special.”

“Everything starts like this,” “I’m not the only one,” “The others are better.” These thoughts are common. It is a clear sign of uncertainty. You have to believe in yourself. You are unique whether you believe it or not! Because no two people are the same. So don’t ever think that people are treating you like “another one” because if they are and you don’t like it, stay away!

We hope we’ve helped you determine how a person who underestimates themselves behaves. By reading this article, did you discover that you do it sometimes? Well, fix it! You already know a bit more about underestimation, so it’s time to stop it.

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