Impatient People Want Everything Right Now

Impatience makes you run through life frustrated, angry and unhappy. While it is not easy to deal with an impatient person, there are some strategies that can help you.
Impatient people want everything and right now

You will find impatient people everywhere. You know them. They are constantly frustrated and nothing satisfies them. When they are happy, their happiness is short-lived and laced with fear. The next moment they need something else. There are few things that fuel negative emotions or make it as difficult to get along with someone as impatience.

Most of us know someone like that. Or maybe you have an impatient temperament that is difficult to control. But what does living like that do to you? What are the emotional and psychological side effects of impatience?

First of all, living in this way leads to severe stress and anxiety. British writer John Ruskin said that hope is no longer joyful when it is accompanied by impatience.

Thus, impatience limits your well-being and makes it difficult to associate with other people. If you learn to control it, you will be a more peaceful, patient, and centered person.

Impatient people and their frustration

Impatient people and their constant frustration

Some people believe that impatience is on the rise, especially among young people. Today, children and teens have a very low tolerance for frustration. They need instant gratification, “likes” on their photos, and constant positive social affirmation.

However, the problem is more complex than just a social media addiction. For example, a study by the National University of Singapore analyzed a group of more than a thousand students and yielded some very interesting results.

dr. Xin Zhang, co-author of the study, indicated that there is a link between impatience and cognitive and social incompetence. Impatient people are impulsive, act without thinking and are unable to enjoy the here and now. They also tend to be very quick to judge.

Impatient people don’t think much about the information they receive because they have short attention spans and are reluctant to change their mind. If you’re always in a rush, there’s no time to consider and learn from other perspectives.

Impatient people also tend to have more relationship problems. They are difficult to deal with. If they want something, they want it right now. They often lack the respect, understanding, and emotional intimacy needed to connect with others.

Impatience is not just a lack of patience, it is a lack of education

At its core, impatience is a learned behavior. Your culture, context and upbringing determine how patient you are. Parents often fail to teach their children to wait patiently and accept the fear of not receiving immediate satisfaction.

Instead of waiting patiently, you will go crazy if, for example, your internet connection is slow or if someone does not immediately respond to your text message… Patience should be taught both at home and at school. However, each individual is responsible for practicing this on a daily basis, even if society tries to propel you at 200 km/h.

Race against the clock of impatient people

Tips to control impatience

You can turn your impatience into patience if you learn how to control your emotions and immediate impulses. To do that, consider the following questions.

When do I get impatient? What is the usual context with impatient people?

It’s worth stopping to analyze these out of control situations that awaken your impatience. For many people, for example, driving makes them impatient. For other people, it’s because of raising a difficult child or teenager, for example, or just trying to get along with other people.

What activates it?

The second step is identifying the triggers. Here are some examples: “I get impatient when my son takes forever to get up in the morning to go to school.” “ I feel really impatient when I’m in a traffic jam” or “I can’t stand waiting for test results, it puts me in a bad mood.”

What do you do about being patient?

Are you trying to be aware of whether you are using certain strategies to control your impatience, or are you doing nothing? Do they work?

Apply a rational focus

A useful strategy for dealing with impatience is to deal with the problem with your rational mind. For example, if you get impatient when your teenage son doesn’t seem concerned about his responsibilities, try not to get mad at him.

After all, a bad mood only makes it worse. Instead, talk to him patiently and reason with him so that you can come to an agreement.

Mindfulness for impatient people

Finally, it’s a good idea to consider strategies like mindfulness, as they can be incredibly helpful in calming an impatient mind. They also help with your attention and emotional management.

In conclusion, we can say that it is clear that impatient people will always exist. In certain circumstances, anyone can behave impatiently. Still, you need to use the right strategies and tools to train your mind to stay calm. It will significantly improve the quality of your life.

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