Loving Solitude Makes You A Better Partner

Loving solitude makes you a better partner

The value of solitude is not yet recognized by society. We tend to think that those who prefer this are cold people, but actually it can actually make you a better partner.

We throw labels too quickly, thinking about what people will say, no matter what the truth or reality is. A reality that each of us has the power to collect and receive as we wish.

In this case there is a label to loneliness that we want to avoid at all costs  and we want to stay far away from people who do love it, but in reality the art of appreciating your own company is a sign of maturity and emotional intelligence, the mission of life that every human being would like to achieve.

Woman with Butterfly

Being alone is being with yourself

Let’s face it,  it takes a lot of courage to want to confront yourself  and that is the source of all fear. We are the creators and recipients of our fears.

If someone is able to live with  solitude and listen to their heart,  that person will receive a gift: their own emotional freedom. Emotional freedom is a treasure in this century and building an environment and relationship with these qualities is a precious commodity.

People with this gift are characterized by respect, first of all towards themselves and also towards the people they love. They appreciate silence and know what to say and when not to get involved.

At some point in our lives, most of us want a good, fulfilling relationship. Considering what has been said thus far, you will agree that  solitude’s best friends can become the best comrades.


Why does loving solitude make us a better partner?

Loneliness allows a space that is very precious to many people and very necessary and desired by others. When we give ourselves time to distance ourselves from the person we love, but only in time and space, not in the heart, a mutual respect develops. This creates the perfect ingredients to build a relationship with unconditional love.

Spending time with ourselves makes us understand that this encourages us to get to know ourselves better and thereby create the tools and freedom to get to know our partner.

Loneliness lets us connect with our essence

We can probably accompany our life partner to the same destination: the best version of ourselves. Spending time alone helps us understand that there are priorities and that we are not the center of the universe.

Being alone helps us understand and accept life, which makes us feel better

Loneliness helps us understand that nothing lasts forever, both the positive and the negative … And thus, we are constantly in motion and subject to change. As Buddhism says, “We are one with the universe.” Silence becomes our most important precursor to understanding this.

Being alone

A person who likes to spend time with themselves gives space wherever he or she is

You become a better person that way and  you let the love you feel within yourself, for yourself or for your partner, continue to grow. Freedom blossoms, as does the desire to meet again and thus merge into one heart. And the most wonderful thing is that when you are able to let go, you reach the true foundation of pure and divine love for humanity.

At this point I won’t go without asking if you think loneliness makes you a better partner. As the great writer Arthur Schopenhauer said, “Loneliness is the fate of all great souls.”

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