The Japanese 5S Method Brings Harmony To Life

The Japanese 5S method brings harmony to life

The Japanese 5S method consists of five basic principles to improve our quality of life. These basic rules rest on two foundations: order and neatness.

We can apply this Japanese technique at work or in our personal lives. Many companies choose to use this method to increase their production and improve their processes

In 1960, Toyota adopted the 5S method. The company wanted to create a more organised, hygienic and efficient workplace. The intention was to increase the productivity of the work with the Kaizen method.

Since then, several organizations have adopted the Japanese 5S method due to its wide distribution. Moreover, it can also be used in education as it encourages toileting habits from an early age.

The psychological and pedagogical foundations of this method are thus based on promoting a change in culture in the cleaning habits imposed by educational institutions.

What is the Japanese 5S method?

The 5S method is made up of five fundamental principles that begin with the letter S. The method does not require any prior preparation. Everyone can therefore apply this methodology in their daily life. However, it is more important that people use the method strictly to get maximum results.

What is the Japanese 5S method

The ideal way is to practice the method in an orderly and systematic manner. In fact, persistence is one of the keys to this method. Let’s see what these principles are.


Seiri is a process where you leave the unnecessary behind. The person makes an effort to recognize through analysis what he really needs.

He makes a distinction between the necessary and the things that they feel are just taking up space. After a person has made this division, he must throw away everything he does not use.

Another advantage of this categorization of things is that it also shows people the elements they need but don’t possess. You can use a set criterion to know whether the object is important or not.

Ask yourself when you last used the item. If you haven’t used it in a year, it’s time to throw it away.

In this way, the classification functions as preparatory work material for the next phase. That means you choose the best place for each item.


This is the second phase. The main characteristic of this phase is organization. It is based on placing objects where they should be. At the same time, you also determine which objects are most important. You then place it in more accessible places.

This will also make it possible to define and name certain ranking zones. It’s all about organizing your entire workspace so you don’t waste time or energy looking for something specific.


In this phase, the person carries out the cleaning process. The idea is to remove all dust and dirt present and create a spotless workplace. The important thing at this stage is to notice what’s making the area dirty and then remove it.


The basis of this phase is that you discover deviations and resolve them. The goal is to avoid a chain reaction. This phase helps people remember exactly how important it is to keep places clean and avoid clutter.

Seiketsu, a principle of the 5S method


Finally, you need to create a plan so that you can continue to improve yourself day after day through discipline. It is important that you always remember the 5S method while doing your work. It will definitely help you to remember all the important keys: order, hygiene and efficiency.

You can practice the 5S method at work. After all, it’s a good way to take control of your space and make the most of your time. However, it is also important that you do not forget that you can also apply this method in your personal life.

So don’t be afraid to use classification, organization and cleaning methods. They can ease your path to wellness. 

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