Emotional Chaos: When The World Collapses Around You

Emotional chaos is something that can happen to anyone, but it’s up to you to face it bravely. Take the necessary steps to turn pain into harmony in your life.
Emotional Chaos: When the World Collapses Around You

You may have gone through difficult times in your life where everything felt like a burden and you lacked inner peace. It’s hard to get out of that darkness when you don’t know exactly what you’re feeling or how to deal with it. In moments like these, emotional chaos determines how you live your life.

Your world is collapsing around you and you don’t know what to do about it. You scream, “enough!” but you are confused, things become unpredictable and all you can think about is the mistakes of your past. So you sink deeper into your own chaotic thoughts.

It seems that your life has only shadows, only frustration and stress. Yet there is a way to handle this emotional chaos well. Let’s talk about what to do when you find yourself in a situation like this: how to identify it and the benefits of being aware of it.

What does emotional chaos look like?

It is a state where you feel extremely miserable and emotionally confused. It feels like you are in pain most of the time, especially when you don’t know what to do when problems arise. However, emotional chaos doesn’t stop there: it can also be a state where you are unable to handle your positive emotions.

It basically happens  when you don’t know exactly what you’re feeling. You may experience different emotions without knowing what they are or how to describe or name them. Not knowing how to handle these emotions is also part of the emotional chaos, even if you are able to analyze your emotions.

In other words, in times of emotional chaos  , there is a contradiction between the emotional world and the rational world. This leads to a loss of control and often to impulsive actions.

stressed woman


This usually includes the following elements:

  • Unrest. You lose control of your emotions, you start to feel things that you didn’t know you  could feel and therefore you act very impulsively.
  • Confusion. Since you’re experiencing a lack of clarity, you don’t know what choices to make, so you put them off.
  • Fear. You are afraid of making mistakes because you feel insecure.
  • I’m sorry. You may also feel guilty and restless.
  • Projection. You blame other people or the emotions themselves for all the things that happen to you. The causes of this are always external, while in many cases the causes will actually lie within yourself.

Emotional chaos can be associated with emotional blockage, which is a way of protecting yourself in order to survive a certain situation  .

At first, it may feel safe to protect yourself that way. However, if you let your thoughts float around in your subconscious without processing them consciously, chances are that you will end up not knowing how to handle your emotions. 

In the future, when you no longer need to protect yourself, these emotions may return and take over your thoughts. Of course, emotional chaos can also be seen in relation to new experiences: situations that are so new and unfamiliar that it is more difficult to make choices.

Dealing with emotional chaos in a positive way

First of all, you should know that it is very difficult to make a choice and fix what is damaged while you are in the middle of this process. However, it is possible to use it in a positive way. Try these methods:

  • Through self-knowledge. Connecting with your inner self is the best way to find out what you’re feeling, why you react a certain way to a situation, and which way to go.
  • By giving yourself time. Sometimes you want to escape the situation so badly that you push everything aside and then ignore it. That way, you end up piling up feelings that only make the problem worse. Better to just admit it can happen to anyone and give it some time to actually let it pass.
  • By not stretching your emotional chaos. While it’s important to let your emotions run naturally, it’s just as important not to let this go on forever. Don’t let such emotions stay in you permanently. Keep moving forward and set boundaries for your emotional chaos.

The outside world

You may think that it all happens because of external factors. Take a moment to think about this. Instead of shielding yourself from the world, try getting some help from others. Keep the following in mind:

  • Not everything is someone else’s fault. If it’s your chaos, it has to do with  you . Don’t keep blaming other people or things for something you need to work on yourself.
  • Learn where you can best express your chaos. While it is important to be able to express everything well, you also need to know when to do it and when not to do it. Doing this at a bad time can actually make the situation worse. The healthiest option is to find someone you can talk to about your chaos. That being said…
  • Ask for help. It is normal to look for support! Talk to your closest friends or see a professional, such as a psychologist, if you need to. Psychologists are ideally suited to help people through their most difficult times.
  • Unlearn some things. If you or your family have or have certain beliefs that you blindly follow while these beliefs are causing you stress, it may be time to let them go. It is healthier if you can identify which beliefs contribute to your happiness and which lead to frustration. Learn from the beliefs that make you happy and get rid of the unnecessary, hurting beliefs to avoid sinking (even deeper) into your emotional chaos.
  • Exercise can also help. This promotes the release of various hormones and neurotransmitters that contribute to a sense of well-being.
  • Pick up a hobby. This, or focus on a hobby you’ve had for a while in your spare time. For example, art can turn your anxious feelings into something valuable.
Sports against emotional chaos

Your awareness of emotional chaos offers benefits

By focusing on this chaos and acting on it, you will eventually become more assertive. This has some advantages, such as:

  • Less tension
  • Understanding the value of each emotion
  • Letting go of what hurts you
  • Living in the here and now
  • Know your limits better
  • Knowing your self-defense mechanisms
  • Transforming fear into creativity
  • Emotional freedom
  • Improved ability to make choices
  • Self-actualization or self-actualization

Keep in mind that this is a gradual process. You cannot expect to take control of your thoughts within a day and never experience emotional chaos again in your life. Like any other human being, you will know highs and lows; What matters is that you learn something from this every time.

So free yourself from that dark, overwhelming place where you feel restlessness, fear, confusion, guilt and tightness. Believe that it is possible to see your emotions as something external. Dance with the shadows, get to know them, invite them at the right time, learn from them and ultimately turn them into well-being. 

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