Feng Shui, Your Home Affects Your Health

Feng Shui, your home affects your health

We all want to live a good life in every area of ​​our lives. With that goal in mind, we also build and furnish our houses. Sometimes, however, we don’t do that in a conscious way. The results are therefore not always what we expect. But Feng Shui can provide some answers that can help us.

Some places you don’t want to be. There are also areas where you can’t really enjoy yourself. Perhaps there are houses where you have never felt comfortable. It also ‘happens’ to coincide with new problems in your life… Why is this happening?

Statuette of Buddha and a lotus

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a teaching that is thousands of years old and originally from China. It aims to promote positive energy in our environment. For some it is an art and for others a science. But we all agree that it can improve our lives.

Feng Shui studies how we are influenced by what surrounds us. It explores the powerful impact spaces have on our well-being and health. This teaching takes into account both outdoor elements (neighborhood, buildings, rivers, mountains) and indoor elements (furniture, colours, the location of the room)

The life energy or ‘chi’

According to Chinese culture, everything in the physical world is endowed with a ‘life energy’ called ‘chi’. This life energy is also called ‘Ki’ or ‘Prana’. This depends on the language and culture. Feng Shui aims to make the energy flow or  chi flow as good as possible.

One essential condition is that energy is organized and clean spaces flow freely.  C hi  moves like the air that circles around us. Its flow and direction depend on the objects and shapes it finds in its path.

If the energy entering the house flows in a harmonious way, it will enhance the spaces and its inhabitants in a positive way. On the contrary, if the energy is out of balance, it will also cause an imbalance in the people who inhabit the space. This lack of harmony creates nervousness, unease… It will damage your health and steal your energy.

But it’s reassuring to know that you can organize and organize spaces. Do this with the basic rules of Feng Shui so that the energy flows harmoniously and brings balance to your life.

Some general conditions for a house according to the rules of Feng Shui

We give you some general simple tips to improve Feng Shui in your spaces.

  • Let the sunlight into your home. Because natural light creates energy. Try to make sure there are no dark or enclosed spaces.
  • Have impeccably clean walls. The paint and wallpaper should look perfect with no smudging.
  • The decoration in the house should be positive and pleasant.
  • Corridors should be bright and well lit. In addition, it should be easy to walk through the corridors.
  • Do not put away things that you no longer use or that no longer work. This also applies to a gift received that you do not really like. Better you throw it away.
  • Put healthy plants in the house to connect with the energy of the earth.
  • Clean the house regularly by burning incense. It is also a good idea to use essential oils such as rosemary or lavender, among others.
House decorated according to the rules of Feng Shui

Things we should keep out of the house

According to Chinese culture and Feng Shui, all objects have their own energy. All furniture, decorations, appliances, walls, photos, plants… have  Chi. So we have to find out which objects transmit good energy and which do not. Avoid the following:

  • Carpets from animal skins of wild animals, stuffed animals, and so on.
  • Wilted or dried flowers.
  • Clothing or footwear that you no longer use or that belong to people who have died;
  • Collections of weapons or ammunition. (They create aggressive energy.)
  • Paintings, posters or depictions of pain, weeping or drama.
  • Antique furniture or furniture of which you do not know the origin. Because furniture accumulates the energy of people, situations and places from the past.
  • Collections of antiques. Like furniture, objects also contain an energetic archive of the places they have been and of their former owners.
  • Objects (pottery, mirror) and furniture that are broken, old or damaged. Our possessions reflect what we believe we deserve. A broken or old object can reflect a lack of self-confidence, a lack of love or little wealth.
  • Antique mirrors. Mirrors hold the “memory” of all the stories they have seen.
  • Objects and electronic devices that do not work or do not work properly. Because these objects contain no energy.
feng shui

What should I have in my house?

We now give you a list of things that will improve the energy your home radiates:

  • Natural plants with different flowers and colors. Because plants remove the toxins from the air and balance the  chi  of the house.
  • Pets you care for and love. Chinese culture has animistic roots. It has a very close relationship with animals. For animals symbolize such qualities as strength, wisdom, longevity, fidelity, and so on. According to Feng Shui, animals are healers and bring balance to our home. We must take care of them with love. Because a sick animal can be a signal that there is a disturbance of the balance in the house. This will take energy from the residents.
  • Posters, photos and graphics that evoke positive emotions. Candles with warm, vibrant colors.
  • Crystal spheres known as ‘rainbow spheres’ or ‘Feng Shui spheres’ activate and regulate energy. You can place them anywhere.
  • Salt lamps from the Himalayas. Each lamp is a unique piece of nature. They purify the air by neutralizing harmful waves emitted by mobile phones, devices, and so on.
  • All kinds of scents. They make the  chi move  in the entire room. But you should use them sparingly so that they don’t oppress or disturb you.
  • Soft music: instrumental, sounds from nature, and so on.

By taking care of our environment, we take care of ourselves

Our home is without a doubt our temple. This is where we come home after a hard day’s work and recharge our batteries: it’s our ‘energy headquarters’. We share this space with people who are important to us. Here we experience warm intimate moments with friends and family.

That is why it is important that the house has a good balance and positive energy. The good news is that Feng Shui makes it possible for everyone to have a harmoniously stimulating home.

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