Five Ways You Might Be Harming Yourself

Five Ways You Might Be Harming Yourself
Taking care of yourself mainly means knowing how to respect and love yourself unconditionally, whether you are beautiful or ugly, happy or sad, successful or not. In theory this seems easy, but in reality it can be a very difficult task when you realize that your upbringing, and the messages and demands from outside may actually be harming you.

As if it’s selfish, vain, or self-righteous to love yourself, to be happy with yourself once in a while, or to give yourself a pat on the back. We are told that if we are not humble and humble, we will lose everything.

Of course you don’t have to be completely full of yourself, but it is certainly good for your psyche to love yourself a little more and punish yourself a little less than you are used to.

If you don’t, the result is often that you put your own interests and needs aside, put them on the back burner, and neglect yourself. This generally happens because we need the approval of others, or the extreme desire to be perfect and never make a mistake.

Are you harming yourself?

You may have recognized yourself in the introduction to this article, and you may have noticed that you are not taking care of yourself emotionally, and that you are harming yourself as a result. We recommend that you analyze the following points and think about whether you should love yourself a little more.

You may be harming yourself in one of the following ways:


1. You demand perfection from yourself

Demanding perfection is unrealistic, as you will never be able to achieve it no matter how hard you try. People constantly make mistakes. We can learn from them and benefit from them ourselves, but we will never be flawless.

If you think you can achieve perfection, you are wasting too much energy. All this will do is frustrate you when things go wrong and eventually you will give up on your goals just because you can’t live up to your own expectations.

2. You don’t reward yourself

If you don’t reward yourself every now and then, if you don’t allow yourself time to relax or go on vacation, or if you don’t forgive yourself for not behaving the way you “should have behaved”, then you are clearly worrying. not for yourself. It’s great to be responsible and try to achieve your goals, but it’s just as important to reward yourself for doing so sometimes.

3. You say yes when you should say no

Putting the needs of others above your own shows a complete lack of respect for yourself. You can always do someone a favor as long as it aligns with your principles and personal values, but you should never feel obligated to say yes to everything.

This rule always applies. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or an acquaintance, if you don’t want to do something, you don’t have to do it, and if the other person doesn’t mind, that’s their problem, not yours.


4. You get carried away by the opinions of others

Why do you think that other people have a monopoly on the absolute truth and that your opinion is worth less than theirs?

Every person constructs his own reality based on what he hears and how he was raised, but this does not mean that everything he thinks is true. It is therefore healthy to listen to the opinions of others, but without letting yourself be completely consumed by these opinions.

5. You don’t let yourself live in the moment

Your mind is a wanderer and is always in the past or the future. He never rests and never comes to the present, which means that you never even enjoy what is within your reach at the moment. Instead, you lose it, which is another way of not taking care of yourself.

If you regret the things that have already happened and were not fully recoverable, or if you worry too much about what might come but is not here yet, then you are not living in the here and now, bringing yourself damage.


How can you take care of yourself?

If after analyzing the five points above you realize that you are not taking care of yourself enough, now is the time to do so. You must learn to respect yourself, and to do this you must start doing the opposite of what we have described above.

If you are too demanding on yourself and think you have to do everything perfectly, then you should stop making demands and start making wishes, and you should accept yourself regardless of the outcome.

If you only give and never receive, start rewarding yourself for every goal you achieve, no matter how small it is. Take a long deserved vacation or buy that dress you love so much. Learn to say no resolutely and assertively, without making excuses and without being afraid of the other person’s reaction. If he’s a good friend, he’ll understand.

Remember that the opinions of others are not part of you. They will only do this if you allow it. Everyone has the right to think, say and express what they feel, including you. Let yourself be guided by your own intuition.

Make an effort to recall your thoughts to the present if you find that they have wandered. To do this, focus on your environment and describe what you see, hear and feel. Enjoy whatever you are doing and see that you cannot change the things that have happened, and that what is to come will come anyway.

Why do you have to love yourself?

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