How To Solve A Problem According To Einstein

How to solve a problem according to Einstein

We have become accustomed to a mental act that protects us from the tangible reality: the continuous creation of lists and lists of tasks and problems that need a solution in order to maintain our well-being. The problem is that, sometimes unconsciously, we turn inward, generating puzzles and barriers, which can lead to major blockages.

This can lead to us not being ourselves or simply living a life that is incompatible with our thoughts. A good idea to solve every obstacle has to do with our ‘inner being’. We are talking about practicing willpower, constancy, decision making and ways to analyze our environment in a practical way.

In addition, as time goes by , we learn that  any situation, even the negative one, will sooner or later bring us a wonderful insight  for our personal development. To further facilitate these blockages and to solve problems, today we tell you the best advice that  Albert Einstein  himself applied during his work to get over his own blockages.

Reformulate the task

Often we don’t take enough time to appreciate how we can make the road to our goal easier when faced with a problem. One means we can use is to reformulate the task aloud. 


In this way we become spectators of ourselves by listening to our voice and by looking at the situation from a different perspective. In addition, the people around us can help us with this step.

Remember the amazing power of words and how we can use them to our advantage. So take the time to properly reformulate your task.

For example, reformulating a problem may have to do with how we position the people involved in the problem. For example, it’s not the same to say “to try to get a promotion” as it is to say “to try to get up there.” In the first case, the other person has the power over the situation, in the second example, you have the power. In both cases the same goal is pursued: to get higher.

Nor is it the same to formulate a problem in general terms – ‘I’m going to try to move up’ – as to divide the problem into phases: ‘I’ll have to go to work earlier’, ‘I need to be more organized in the way I present reports’, ‘I need to participate more in meetings’, etc.


Understand the context of the problem

This is one of the first mental actions that spies automatically perform when they are in a place that has to do with identifying the exits in that place. By this I don’t mean that you have to identify every possible escape route to escape your problem, but that  when you want to solve a problem, it is best to familiarize yourself with the problem itself  and the context in which you will have to solve it.

There are several crucial elements when we talk about context. First, there are the most delicate parts – the most delicate objects – of the problem. Knowing where these elements are will allow you to protect them in case you need to protect yourself. Second, there are the skills you need to develop yourself in that area.


Think with the resources you have, whether they are people (support), material goods or time. It’s important because it’s often worth studying the context before tackling the problem. Whether you’re getting help from someone you consider relevant, training yourself in a particular area, or trying to get some reprieve.

See your problem as an enriching experience

A problem usually tends to take us out of our comfort zone,  challenge us and test our skills. By confronting ourselves with these problems, we get a better idea of ​​what our skills are. We can have a drawer full of titles, but what good is it if we don’t know how to solve problems associated with a particular profession?

In this way,  if you see that the problem has something to offer you, you will be motivated to tackle it,  to get up when you stumble on one of the steps. In addition, you will create a story that you can integrate into your life in such a way that it can enrich your life instead of causing irritation and inconvenience.

Quotes from Einstein that will make you think

Albert Einstein had an intense life full of consciousness. Discover some of the sayings of this genius that will make you think. Read more.

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