I Like People Who Bring Light To Dark Days

I love people who bring light to dark days

It was Albert Einstein who said that darkness does not actually exist. He argued that darkness is nothing more than the absence of light. This can also apply to the people around us. Some bring light and brighten our days and others only cast shadows.

We can’t really explain it, but we all have friends or relatives who, when faced with a difficult situation, only add to the negativity. They are unable to think along about possible solutions or offer support.

On the other hand , we know that there are people who are so honest and trustworthy that they are not even aware of their own authenticity. They are the calm in the storm, the companionship in solitude, and the strength where there is sorrow.

We all know we don’t meet these special people every day. One hand is enough to count them within our circle of friends and family. Because these people are the exception rather than the rule, it is important that we protect ourselves from those who cause gloom and who make us insecure about our expectations.

We invite you to think about this with us and to realize that you too can be one of those people who can brighten the lives of others with your light. Never stop shining.

Some people can light our ways and guide us in life

What do we actually know about the people who have their own light and shine from within? Are we entering an area that is spiritual rather than psychological? In reality, it is not that difficult to define these people and it is even less difficult to recognize them.

People who have their own light radiate ease and serenity. They are not the light at the end of the tunnel, because with them the tunnel does not even exist. Only roads of tranquility where life seems easier, where everything is in subtle balance.

Well, we’re not talking about magic here. There are many psychological characteristics that can be used to easily identify these people. They are ordinary people who always put on a smile, who say the right thing when it is needed.

Take shelter

It’s not people who practice random positivism, who throw empty statements like ‘don’t worry, everything will be fine’.

They know how to establish close relationships as they are highly empathetic and have inner balance. They are positive, but it is a practical positivity based on strategy and balance.

They know when they are needed and they know how to give space. They demand nothing and expect nothing in return. When we are with them, we can be ourselves. No pressure, no fake fuss, no need to justify ourselves.

They are full of light and brighten up our lives because they put us at ease and cheer us up. They don’t solve our problems, nor do we ask them to. All we need to know is that they are there for us, without judgment, without criticism, and without ever underestimating or looking down on us.

You too bring light into the lives of others; never stop shining

It is quite possible that you too are a being of light. Every day you bring light into the lives of others by wanting the best without benefiting yourself, because this makes you feel good. This is how you understand life and you wouldn’t know how to live it any other way.

If you are someone who offers support and hope to others, you should always be careful about this. There are those who will come close to surround themselves with your warmth and integrity, but only out of selfishness. There are even those who are true experts at extinguishing the light of others with their shadows…

If your way of living and being involves supporting those around you and living a simple and humble life, remember that you will always shine from within and brighten the world with your own light.

Still, you might feel exhausted at times.

brighten up

It may be easy for you to see the light in the dark, but sometimes those standing next to you may laugh at you for this. They may call you naive; they will sarcastically ridicule you and label you as too soft or weak. They may warn you that others will take advantage of you.

Remember what Einstein said. Darkness does not exist; it’s really just the absence of light. In other words, we could say that there is no real evil in the people who falsely attack our being, that which we are. Instead of cruel intentions, or darkness, it is simply a lack of emotional intelligence, of understanding, of empathy that causes them to criticize you.

If you shine with your own light, do not let others extinguish it. Never waste your energy on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Keep your light and brighten up only the lives of those who will appreciate it.

There are barren and frigid planets orbiting the stars, waiting for warmth. Give them light if you feel this is right; distance yourself from the planets that you believe reduce your own heat. Because beings of light, despite their greatness, can also be very vulnerable…

–Images courtesy of Sonia Koch and Pascal Campion–

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