I Like People Who Never Disappoint

I like people who never disappoint

I love the people who never disappoint. I like people who stay by my side, who don’t take things out of context, who don’t dramatize, who don’t let me down. I love these people because they teach me how to love myself when my fears arise and my weaknesses can take over.

I also love these people because these people are always there for me, both in dark and sunny times. They have shown me that they are always willing to give me a big hug, that some people are worth it and that there are still things in the world that last.

Some people are beautiful every day of the year. Their beautiful melody makes us float and sounds like home because we are home when we are with them.

The other side of the coin


Of course, there is also another kind of person. These are people who let us down, who make us lose our trust in good people, who make us believe that honesty, sensitivity and respect simply don’t exist in this crazy world.

These are people who don’t let us speak and then ask for forgiveness for something they’ve done. These are also the people who act aloof because they simply don’t care about the relationship anymore. They allow misunderstandings to turn into emotional earthquakes.

When we’re around these kinds of people, it’s hard for our hearts to beat normally. They make it impossible for us to love without feeling guilty or afraid. However, their facade can no longer support its own weight, their mask falls off their faces and the truth reverberates loudly.

 Understanding with the soul

Watching the Sea

Some people are able to understand us just by looking at us. Compassion pierces the soul. The people who give meaning to our lives are the people with whom we share our lives.

With these people it is more difficult to hide behind a smile than to explain why we are sad. With these people we swim against the current. These people want to save us and watch over us. They want us to succeed, to get motivated, to come out of our shell.

And this feeling is completely mutual. That’s why our relationships with these people are so valuable and unique, because they carry within them a part of ourselves and our pride.

You love the people who never let you down because these people are right in front of you and look you straight in the eye. Because they heal your wounds, because they experience every great achievement and every little detail with love.

Unconditional love


It’s hard to be vulnerable when we’re going through a tough time that silences us, reopens our old wounds, and makes us tremble with fear.

However, this allows us to see what unconditional love is, immeasurable kindness, humility, sincerity, respect and genuine affection. This is how we know to keep away from selfishness, bitterness, hypocrisy and arrogance.

This is how we get closer to the people who never let us down. We surround ourselves with people who decorate our obstacles with smiles, who breathe energy into our lives.

The opportunity to choose who we want to share our lives with is one of the most beautiful things in the world. There will always be people who add to our lives and people who take things out of it. There will always be people who add to our lives and people who hold us back. And there will always be people we can’t get rid of, even if we’re hundreds of miles away from them. These are the people who never disappoint.


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