If Changes Are Already Happening, Let The Good Ones

If change is already happening, let it be good

I don’t want to be afraid of the changes of life; I want to be able to breathe, I want to have faith in these changes and deal with them without resistance to avoid pain. I want to see stars that guide me on my way to happiness.

Without a doubt, this is probably what we all want. However, saying out loud that we are not afraid of change is not quite the truth. In a way we are all afraid of uncertainty and we are especially afraid of the differences that we do not generate ourselves, but that life brings in our path.

If you want your life to change, don’t sit still. Your life will never change if you don’t change yourself first. The engine that drives the magic of existence is always within you.

We are sure that you have gone through more than one major change in your life. Some changes came your way suddenly and others you caused yourself out of your own interest. And this is all good. If you really think about it, we should only regret changes we didn’t make.

Not having said ‘yes’ to a certain proposal, not going on a certain journey or not leaving everything behind for someone else… In our minds these all seem like doors we will never dare to open, locks we will never have the keys to find.

Change involves changing course on the road of life, something that is sometimes suddenly necessary and sometimes comes our way to test us.

If changes are already happening, let them help me grow

Girl with Dog

This is the attitude we should take: any change is an important opportunity for growth and, depending on how we deal with it, we will always be able to get something more or less positive from it.

People often say that changes themselves are not painful. What is really painful is when we strongly resist these changes.

Of course, some changes are very traumatic: losing a loved one, a failure, being betrayed. However, our attitude and inner strength is the key that helps us to open a new door with dignity and completeness along the way, because the change has made us wiser.

People who try to resist change find themselves trapped in a space between two worlds in which their past can be seen on one side and a lot of pain on the other. We cannot remain immersed in the memory of a failed relationship or cry over the death of a loved one for years. We must keep moving forward and allow ourselves to feel a little less pain each day, until the memory eventually becomes a peaceful tribute to the person who is no longer with us, as we regain our hope for the future.

Adapting yourself to change is actually an innate human characteristic. You could say that we have a genetic predisposition to change so that we can improve ourselves and discover new abilities, contexts and skills.

As is also said in English: ‘go with the flow’, that’s what it’s all about. If we keep holding onto a memory, fear, or comfort zone, sooner or later we will become frustrated with ourselves. So when change occurs, have faith in yourself: it is an opportunity to grow.


The winds of change will spread my wings

People are afraid of anything that goes against the grain, any variation that takes us further from our core, from our daily lives. It feels like we are losing control and entering a sea of ​​unpredictability.

Sometimes small changes can make big differences and those are the moments when we suddenly get wings. Remember: without change, butterflies could never exist.

While it is true that we all long for a peaceful existence in which happiness is almost always a guarantee, none of this could ever happen if we did not first learn to accept and even encourage the changes in our lives.

In fact, we are often forced to turn the page so that we can move forward and protect our emotional health or improve our professional lives. Life is a change, an eternal flow and we must learn to let ourselves be carried away by this flow.

To do this, you need to remember the following:

  • Confront your emotional resistance. Understand your emotions and understand that fear is out to tie you to the ground. Trade restlessness for certainty and convince yourself that taking the next step will bring you personal improvement.
  • Change your thoughts and with it your reality. It’s really simple, it’s a matter of looking at things in a different way, changing things themselves. And you’ve already turned the engine on, you’ve already sparked the magic.
  • Focus on the positive. Avoid negative thoughts and provide oxygen to your hopes. If you want good things to happen, think about these things and put them on your horizon so they can show you the way every day.
  • Remember that in life everything comes, everything passes and everything changes.

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