If You Think Like Everyone Else, You Don’t Think

If you think like everyone else, you don't think

If you think like everyone else, you don’t think. Keep this in mind as you read the following story:

It is said that in a town in the middle of the country,  a group of people played a prank on a poor, unhappy person who lived in the village. He was not intelligent and made his living from small jobs and charity.

Every day a group of men called him to the bar where they met and fooled him by making  him choose between two coins:  a large one that wasn’t worth much and a small one that was worth a lot.

He always chose the largest, less valuable coin and everyone always laughed at that.

One day someone who was watching asked the man if he  really didn’t realize that the big coin was worth less than the small one. Of course I do, the man said, but if I choose the little one, the game is over for them and they won’t just give me their money anymore.

The story could have ended here, as a simple joke. But you can draw several conclusions from it:

  1. Someone who seems stupid isn’t always.
  2. Who was the one who was actually being fooled here?
  3. Excessive ambition can cause you to lose income.

The opinion of others

We don’t need others to have an opinion about every step we take. We don’t need it and we shouldn’t expect it. The most important thing is that we agree with who we are and that we like them.

It’s not good to always look for labels and put them on other people and their behavior. We are all much more than just a label, much more than what others think. We have to struggle a bit with ourselves before we feel good about ourselves and feel so good that we don’t care what others say about us.

The most unhappy people in this world are those who worry too much about what others think.


People think what they want. It doesn’t matter if you are always looking for the right words or if you are careful with the gestures you use, down to the smallest detail; there will always be someone who sees it differently. In the end, it doesn’t matter at all what others think of you when you evaluate your life. Do what you like, not what you think others will like.

How you see yourself is what really matters. Stay close to yourself, guide yourself by how you feel and not by what others want from you or what others think of you. Ultimately, you are unique and irreplaceable and you are the only one who has to deal with yourself, every minute of every day.

If you think like everyone else, you don’t think. And if you don’t think, you don’t live.

It is said that intelligence is not knowing where you are going, it is knowing where not to come back and what not to allow. An intelligent person knows that everyone has the right to find and think what he or she wants, but also – very different, but also important – when to take something personally and when not.

Being unique and appreciating the attitudes and opinions of others is evident in our actions and our words. It gives us the advantage of being able to create situations that are not hurtful, either to ourselves or to others.

Leave your insecurities behind. Speak and live your truth. Don’t let others interrupt your life, not in general and not in your daily routine.

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