If Your Ego Continues To Force Itself On You, Teach It A Lesson In Humility

If your ego continues to force itself on you, teach it a lesson in humility

Some types of ego structures do not offer their “host or hostess” any rest or respite. From his narrow world of experience, everything and everyone is against him and contradiction, or being wrong, is unbearable. There is no worse reign of tyrant than that of an inflated ego. True success lies deep within, in the soul. Those who can humbly let go of this selfish impulse and narcissistic habit will live from the heart and connect freely with the people and society around them.

For example, it is very striking to what extent the obsessive-compulsive ego is inclined to compare itself with others. On good days, when we meet their demands and expectations, we are rewarded with pats on the back and unabashed self-worship. On bad days, however, when things don’t work out, we are the target of contempt and outbursts of anger.

You probably know someone who exhibits unpleasant and inappropriate behavior. And while you may not be aware of it, no doubt you too are not free from your own ego’s whims and whims. As the Chinese proverb goes, “To change the course of even a raging river is no greater task than to free one from the grooves of his character.

Head in Wolk

The ego and the egoistic mind

World-renowned spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle encourages people all over the world to live in the ‘here and now’. In his lectures and books he identifies the main causes of our inner suffering, certain psychological habits that stand in the way of our happiness. In A New Earth , he describes how and why our egocentric mind is by far the greatest source of personal pain and misery.

The people most preoccupied with the thought hypnosis of their own minds, says Tolle, are literally creating their highly personal torture. They become so obsessed with their own fantasies, emotions and imagination that they are completely glued to their own, internally endlessly repeated story and past. Their horizon ends at the blind outer limits of their own, painfully specific bell jar around their perception.

The selfish mind is damn hard of hearing and hard of hearing, infecting you with its very destructive, psychic energy. At the same time, it always wants to distinguish itself from other egos and dominate them in every possible way. Thus it becomes entangled in a permanent struggle that ultimately produces only losers, in the form of rampant inner misery.

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Inspire your higher self

Chained to its own straitjacket, the ego invariably tries to change others, but never itself. And dare to complain about frustration too!

You are probably familiar with the aggrieved stereotype of someone who constantly grumbles that relationships are so incredibly difficult, without realizing that the problem is not with the other person, but above all with himself.

Eckhart Tolle reveals that he too was forced to undergo a gigantic inner transformation : breaking free from his egotrance (greed, self-pity, etc.), from everything that prevented him from living in harmony with himself and with others.

Although far from simple, such a radical metamorphosis is certainly possible. Inspired by an authentic guru, and supported by like-minded people, you are sure to mobilize enough inner strength and power to resolutely let go of self-destructive behavior.

Swirling Hair

The best tips to free yourself from your ego

  • To protect yourself against dysfunctional egos in your immediate environment, it is better not to throw oil on the fire, so to not react at all. De-escalating, by ignoring, is sometimes the most sensible response to provocation and communicates to the ego-tripper: “I will not be manipulated, nor put under unfair pressure.”
  • An effective technique for putting the ego out of its misery and finding inner peace is to silence your polyphonic mental ‘consultation room’. The ego is always looking for something to complete itself; that is the eternal promise, its illusory bait. Don’t believe him. Leave his chatty domain and enter the silence where he can’t chase you.
  • The reign of the ego ends as soon as we begin to focus on the present—this timeless moment—and turn toward a higher, nobler goal than merely satisfying our own limited needs. As they say: ” Whoever refuses to sacrifice his ego for the greater happiness of his fellow man will never discover the meaning of life. “
  • When we truly connect with others, our intrinsic empathy allows us to understand that our existence is not about possessions, status, or power. That insight is immediately liberating. The selfish mind disintegrates and the whole-hearted wisdom of our emotional brain guides us to our destiny.

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