Seven Questions That Can Change Your Life

Seven questions that can change your life 

Sometimes we don’t find the answers because we don’t know what questions to ask. We go on a journey of discovery and ask the big questions about general and in-depth topics. But in the end we are nowhere. Do you want to change your life? Then avoid questions like ‘What is the meaning of my life?’, these kinds of questions will only make you lose your way even more.

Of course, the big questions lead to big answers. However, there is a big difference between “big questions” and “inaccurate questions.” The latter kind of questions are becoming increasingly difficult to answer. Because they include too many variables at the same time. There are no boundaries to limit and delineate them.

So the trick is to formulate the question in the right way. That’s one way to get closer to the answer. Later in the article, we introduce you to seven questions. We’ve designed them so you can evaluate the way you live. They help you determine if you are on the right track. Maybe it’s time to stop and change direction. It’s not a test. So take your time to answer them.

1. What would you change in your life if you knew you would die in ten years? A gigantic question!

Near-death experiences change the lives of many people. There’s a reason for that. In general, we live as if we have eternal life. We completely avoid the idea of ​​death, although it is really the only certainty we have in the future.

Girl With A Third Eye

By remembering that everything comes to an end, we see much more clearly which things are really important. Show the guts to answer this question honestly. Then you will be able to establish a new hierarchy of priorities that will make you much happier.

2. What advice would you give to a newborn child?

Think long and hard about this question before answering it. In the answer you will find a summary of everything you have learned since your heart started beating. It will take the form of a decision that flows from your experiences and from what you have achieved with your experiences.

The interesting part is what you will do after discovering your ‘wisdom capsule’. It should align with the advice you would give to the imaginary newborn. Are you already putting it into practice or should you start now?

3. If it didn’t depend on the calendar, what age would you give yourself right now?

Age is very relative. But when we say how old we are, we always base ourselves on that deleted square on the calendar. From the moment we are born, in the strictest sense there is a child, an adolescent, an adult and an elderly person present in us. But usually it’s just one of those ages that predominates at some point in our existence. The correct question, however, is the following. How old are you really? How does it make you feel to be that age?

Little Boy Holding The Key To His Heart And Thinking I Want To Change My Life

4. What was the biggest mistake in your life? How did you solve that?

In life we ​​are confronted with the mistakes we make. It is one of the elements that reveals the most about who we are. Moreover, it shows how we live through our existence. Both the mistakes and the way we solve them provide us with important information to better understand ourselves.

Find out what was the biggest mistake of your life. In this way you will undoubtedly find the way to your main weaknesses. You will be able to visualize the dynamics you usually use. It will make you see which strategies and solutions you apply when you are confronted with difficult periods.

5. What would you like to do but don’t do because you feel you will be judged?

The looks and opinions of others can be very decisive in not taking action. Sometimes this is healthy. It simply indicates that we have found a healthy way to adapt to the environment in which we live.

In other situations, behind this behavior is a great fear of being judged. We do not act based on the respect we have for something we sincerely believe in. Our behavior is then more determined by the fear of what others will say.

Woman In A Big Red Dress And An Arrow In Her Chest For Whom It's Too Late To Change Her Life

6. What are the five things you did this year that you will remember for the rest of your life?

With this question you can judge whether or not you really live in accordance with the goals that are important to you. It may show you that you have lost your way and are living in an insignificant rut. By the right ambitions, we don’t mean some mega-project. What does matter are those goals that encompass the essential aspects of your life.

If you can make this list relatively easily, then you are definitely living intensely. But it may not be so easy to list these five facts. Then maybe it’s time to take a look back at your way of acting. You may have forgotten yourself a bit.

7. What job would make you totally happy? If it’s not the job you have now, how come?

We should all look for a job we love. Work is not just one of the cornerstones of our survival. It is also a fundamental pillar of our mental health. We derive a large part of our well-being from our work.

Maybe it’s time to check this out. Do you do something in your job that you really love? Have you made a choice and do you have the ability to seek and find the job you want? Or have you just chosen a job that you don’t want to do? Then you’ve given up on doing anything that can change this.

Woman Being Served By A Rabbit Thinking I Want To Change My Life

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