Six Characteristics Of People Addicted To Negativity

Six characteristics of people addicted to negativity

We all know someone who always seems to see things from a negative perspective. You don’t know why, but every time you’re around that person, you notice how your mood changes. Sometimes you would even like to run away from that person. You are probably dealing with one of those people who are addicted to negativity.

Most of the time, these people don’t realize how much they are doing the people around them a disservice. Their pessimism is contagious. And in the long run, they make others keep their distance. They aren’t usually bad people, but their way of looking at things is downright painful.

No one likes to be reminded of the bad things in the world. We all know that there is no such thing as a perfect life. We are all simply trying to get close to what we consider perfect. People addicted to negativity are unable to see the sun through the clouds. Just as they can only see the single cloud in a sky otherwise ruled by a blazing sun.

There is little we can do for these people if they are not willing to make an effort to change their perspective. So, if we really want to help them, the first thing we need to do is motivate them. Then they can decide to take the first step. Let’s keep in mind that the people most affected by their negative view of things are themselves.

Woman who wishes to escape from people addicted to negativity

Six characteristics of people addicted to negativity

They worry about nothing

People addicted to negativity usually turn any mosquito into an elephant. A broken board can mean the end of the world for them. At the same time, however, they transition from one drama to another with the greatest of ease. Instead of enjoying their daily lives, they think bitterly about the future, which only makes them more negative.

They don’t know how to give things their deserved importance. And their tendency to exaggerate everything can eventually make people think they can’t be built on.

They don’t see the positive side

It doesn’t matter if they just had a great day at work, received a gift or heard some good news. They only focus their attention on the things in their lives that they don’t like. They have absolutely no eye for the good things that come their way.

By ignoring the positives, they are oblivious to their existence. And when they think, they usually reach a conclusion that makes sense to their perception. They conclude that they are very unhappy or of little value. They don’t care about their own happiness, they prefer to stay stuck in that circle of misery they have created.

Man who is tired of people addicted to negativity

They are incapable of accepting a compliment

If someone compliments them, they react very badly. Their self-esteem is often affected by so much negativity that any flattering comment is misconstrued.

They think others are laughing at them when they really just want to be nice. They are unable to accept that they also have virtues and they find it impossible to believe this.

They only talk about their own problems – there is hardly any room in their heads for other people’s problems

These people love to express how bad their lives are. But being interested in someone else’s problems. They don’t know how to listen and are selfish – their problems are always worse. Of course they occasionally let someone participate in their monologue, but only to be able to prove otherwise.

This lack of empathy often leads to confrontations with others, especially when boundaries are crossed. Of course they feel the need to constantly vent about this, which is quite a burden.

They take very few risks

They care way too much about what others think of them. Every disparaging comment hits them right to the core. They base the thoughts they have about themselves on the opinions of others, completely lacking any objectivity, making them very insecure and dependent.

They are so afraid of falling victim to the words or actions of others that they almost automatically play their own ‘mental movies’. This is something we all do, but negative people do it with ‘special effects’ and all. In these ‘movies’ they are always the threatened or disadvantaged. Because of this, and assuming that they protect themselves in this way, they usually take few risks. They tell themselves that they have already taken a lot of risks or that they are ‘too vulnerable’.

They can be very paranoid

People who are addicted to negativity are very paranoid. A sudden smile or furtive glance can make them believe that others are talking about them (in a negative sense). This makes them quite critical of those around them, often preferring to avoid them altogether.

A paranoid girl who thinks others are talking about her

Their behavior can be very difficult to deal with. In some cases even unbearable. We have to be very patient and try to understand why they behave this way. Usually their behavior is the result of a series of bad experiences. Experiences that have not been processed properly. However, it is never too late to learn that not everything is black and white in life: our lives are surrounded by shades of gray. There will be good days and bad days, but not everything has to be terrible.

There are thousands of things that make our lives worth living. Be grateful for them and don’t ignore them.

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