Superiority: A Characteristic Of Insecure People

Superiority: a characteristic of insecure people

We all know those people who pretend to be very confident and brag about themselves.  With their noses in the air, they pretend they know everything and no one can get on their level. These people are known for their air of superiority. They think they are better than anyone, with their admirers and their enemies by their side.

“The ego is in direct connection with how insecure we feel.”
-Rafael Calbet-

Modesty is not a trait that characterizes these people. They always act proud and conceited about anything that might set them apart from others. But is there more to it? Could this just be a mask that hides a deep complex?

Superiority and self-deception

Think of people who bully others. They are not as strong as they seem, because they have to hurt people in order to instill fear and command respect. But inside  they are not as brave as they seem. They have serious problems that they hide and project onto the people around them.

The same goes for the people who always have an air of superiority. Behind all this disdain they show to their own friends is a much deeper problem that they are trying to cover up. This situation leads them to put on a mask of closedness, but they will never be satisfied.


People are very good at denying the problems they are surrounded by. And sometimes, even when they look reality straight in the eye, they still have the audacity to deny it. Sometimes it’s out of fear, sometimes out of shame. In the case of people with an air of superiority, their biggest problem is the uncertainty that haunts them.

Of course  , self-confidence plays a fundamental role in this. In this situation, you can either feel superior or feel inferior. People with an air of superiority mask their insecurity by acting superior to others and humiliating them so that they can feel better about themselves.

They will look down on you

One of the factors that can lead a person to behave superior to others is being bullied  as a child. It’s possible that when they went to college, they changed their behavior drastically to protect themselves from possible future attacks and harassment.

For this reason, they think that from the start they should insult others and show their self-confidence so as not to get trampled on themselves, thereby presenting themselves as someone they are not at all. They will never admit a mistake they have made, they will just blame others. They will also behave pedantic and arrogant, with such a positive opinion of themselves that they will be a role model for those around them.

Flowers for Face

To nurture their superiority, they need people who follow them and pay attention to them, because if they don’t have that, they will feel like a failure and collapse. This is why they are so melodramatic and why they make fun of their superiors to show people who the real leader is.

Unfortunately for them  , sooner or later the situation will end  and when it does, their self-confidence will be shattered. Ignoring a problem does nothing but make it worse, and when it can no longer be repaired, it will force itself on you with a force so strong that it is difficult to counteract it.

“Self-deception is a warm refuge in the beginning, but later a cold prison.”
-Maria Jesus Torres-

Putting on a mask is never a good option. The solution can be found in the search for a balanced self-confidence that makes you feel confident and good about yourself. Impersonating someone who hurts others won’t make you feel better, at least not in the long run. Inside, the feeling of terrible emptiness and insecurity will continue.

So  any time you are with someone who has a superiority problem, be careful. They are not guilty of behaving that way because of the terrible situations they have endured. If you have the opportunity to reach out and help them, do it; if not, distance yourself and let them follow their own path until they resolve their insecurity problems on their own.

Put on Mask

Now you know that anyone who exaggerates his virtues – be it certainty, strength, courage, or intelligence – and acts as if he is better than others, is doing so because he is insecure about it. It’s a way to protect yourself, even if it only causes these people more damage.

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