The Eight Best Movies About Autism

Autism spectrum disorders are a group of developmental disorders with chronic symptoms that occur in childhood. They influence behavior, communication and interaction with others. Sometimes this can lead to social rejection. Several associations are trying to tackle this exclusion through awareness campaigns. Often these actions are supported by books and movies about autism.

In general, there is no cure for autism. Still, there are many ways to maximize the skills of an autistic person. The earlier you start doing this, the easier it will be to teach them new patterns. It is therefore best to start as soon as the diagnosis has been established.

Behavioral therapies are the most commonly used treatments. But sometimes medication is also prescribed to relieve the symptoms. Some drugs selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. They treat anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Other types of medication are often prescribed as well. They stop the attacks, have a stimulating or antipsychotic effect.

Social exclusion also affects the family. Because normal situations, like going shopping or going for a walk, can get really annoying when people make judgments. Unfortunately, some people advise the family to leave the autistic family member at home. Sometimes it is even recommended to beat him to teach him ‘how to behave’.

Ignorance is usually the origin of this kind of advice. But a lack of sensitivity can also play a role in this. That’s why movies about autism can be so helpful. A movie has the ability to grab the attention of the audience. It makes the viewer empathize and it helps him to understand other people.

The eight best films about autism

The Unexpected Journey

Zac Efron plays Stephen, a teenage boy who, like his brother, has autism. The fundamental theme of the film is his mother’s struggle to get ahead. The family has to deal with a lot of rejection at school and everywhere. Yet the children manage to develop many social skills and even excel at some.

Stephen turns out to be an exceptional runner and his older brother, Douglas, an amazing guitarist. The two boys, with the help of their mother, will eventually form an association called ‘Miracle Run’. This organization specializes in research into autism spectrum disorders.

Movies about autism

Rain Man

Rain Man  is one of the most famous films about autism. This movie stars Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Hoffman won an Oscar for best portrayal for this role. The film tells the story of Charles, a young car salesman who discovers at his father’s funeral that he has a secret older brother. The brother, role of Hoffman, has autism and also inherits much of their father’s estate.

Charles decides to kidnap him and demand the rest of the money from him. But eventually he becomes attached to him. At first, his brother’s behavior irritates him. Gradually, during an exciting road trip, he will get to know and love his brother.

Movies about autism

The Lighthouse of the Orcas (El Faro de las Orcas)

This film, like many other films about autism, is based on a true story.  El Faro de las Orcas tells the story of Lola, a brave mother. She travels fourteen thousand kilometers to help her son, Tristan. Tristan has autism and has a special bond with Orcas. So Lola takes him to visit the Orcas off the coast of Patagonia in Argentina.

There they meet Beto, a forest ranger who is not very happy about the visit – at least at first.  At the end you see that Beto and Tristan share a similar special bond with animals, especially with Orcas.


This tragic comedy cannot simply be categorized. The film is about Molly’s life. She is a woman with autism who is under the tutelage of her neurotic older brother, Buck. The doctors inform him that there is an experimental operation with healthy brain cells. It could cure Molly, but the cost is high. He agrees and Molly’s surgery turns out to be a success.

Buck takes her to social events: the theater, baseball, and so on. She starts a relationship with someone who used to be autistic. But after a few months, her autism returns. Because Molly’s brain rejects the newly transplanted cells.

Mozart and the Whale

In this case, the film is about Asperger’s Syndrome. That is a variant of autism. The main character is Donald. Donald decides to start a group for people who have the same condition. The aim is to support each other. It doesn’t take long before he meets Isabel. He falls hopelessly in love with her. They start a relationship but not everything goes smoothly.

Donald’s story is also based on true events. It’s quite an interesting story. Jerry, the actual main character, discovered that he had Asperger’s after seeing the movie  Rain Man .

Movies about autism

My Name is Khan

Rizvan Khan is an Indian child with Asperger’s Syndrome. He has a very hard time getting along with other kids his age. But he possesses an exceptional talent for mechanics. This gift will help him lift his family out of poverty.

When his father dies, he moves to the United States to live with his brother. There, a psychology professor helps him overcome the many obstacles in his life. Because he is excluded not only because of his autism, but also because of his faith – he is a Muslim.

An Unexpected Friend

An Unexpected Friend  is a British film based on the book  A Friend like Henry.  In movies about autism, there are always parents who sacrifice themselves. Here we see Nicola making a relentless effort to help her son Kyle. This is very difficult for her. The stress is overwhelming and also causes problems in her marriage. The only support she gets from her parents and especially from her mother, Pat.

One morning they find a dog. They decide to keep the animal and see how Kyle reacts. They name the dog Thomas. A very special bond develops between the dog and the child. Unfortunately, Pat’s death will wreak havoc on Kyle, whose behavior was noticeably improved.

Movies about autism

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

This drama revolves around Oskar Schnell, a nine-year-old boy with autism. He has a very close relationship with his father. He always encourages him to associate with others. Together they play games and do research. They try to teach Oskar certain skills. Unfortunately, the father dies in the terrorist attacks of September 11. Oskar is left in the care of his depressed mother.

A year later, he finds a hidden key in one of his father’s vases. This discovery, along with other hints, will bring him to New York. There he goes in search of the person who knows what the key is for. Along the way, he meets people who help him overcome obstacles, such as taking the subway and crossing a bridge.

These movies about autism teach us a lot. They are actually really necessary if we want to understand what it is like to have autism or to have an autistic relative. Being excluded, suffering, being abandoned are recurring themes. But the same goes for resilience and optimism. Both sides of the coin are needed to deal with a condition for which there is no cure, but which can be treated.

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