What Is The Importance Of Kindness In Our World Today?

What is the importance of kindness in our world today?

It seems that the importance of kindness has diminished a lot in our current world, especially in the big cities. There is an anthropological reason for this. We are colder to other people and we experience tension when we live in places with a high population density. This is one of the things that makes it harder to maintain your psychological and emotional health when you live in places like this.

For example, there are plenty of places in the world where it is strange to say hello to the neighbors. People see it as a waste of time, all pointless flattery. Everyone is only concerned with themselves. These are places where people don’t value friendly gestures from other people. There are also places where people are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression or experience difficulty in going through life with a good attitude.

This even happens in some families. Seeing each other every day and getting too used to each other can make these friendly gestures fade away. But gestures of kindness are not a luxury, they are part of a way of life that leaves a mark on your relationships with other people. They feed positive emotions and protect you from negative emotions.

the kindness gene

Science has proven that we all come into the world with an innate kindness gene. In other words, we are a species that needs others of our species to survive: our biological makeup proves it. That is why altruism and cooperation have always been such important factors in human evolution.

Mother cuddling with her children, teaching them the importance of kindness

Studies have shown that babies can show friendly behavior towards other people as early as six months of age. They choose between closing themselves off or opening themselves up to other people. But often they decide to communicate and be generous. They are also very receptive to the friendly gestures of others towards them.

In short, it is normal for us to be friendly. Unkindness is just a result of our civilization pushing us towards extreme individualism. It goes completely against our internal laws to see other people as perfect strangers who have nothing to do with us.

Kindness is a strength

Kindness says a lot about your attitude. It shows that you possess self-control, self-confidence, empathy and the ability to see value in others and to be aware of your relationship as an individual with the group. The importance of kindness is therefore very great when it comes to relationships. You’ll get much further with people if you’re able to be friendly than if you’re just being apathetic and blunt.

Friendly people have well-developed emotional intelligence. Kindness is one of the most contagious attitudes you can have. It almost always leads to more kindness and good intentions. It’s a great way to prevent conflicts or keep them from getting out of hand.

Two boulders in the shape of people hugging each other, because of the importance of kindness

Kindness can also help you develop a strong character. It means knowing how to be kind and considerate to other people, without neglecting yourself. With this attitude, you can calm people down when they are angry and comfort them when they are sad. It’s no surprise that the root of the word “kindness” comes from the Indo-European word for “to love.”

The benefits and importance of kindness

It is important to remember that by nature we are social creatures who want to work together. So the goal is not to try to learn to be kind. Rather, the goal is to unlearn hostile and indifferent behavior. You will have no regrets.

Kindness offers many benefits. That is why the importance of kindness is so great. Here are a few examples:

  • It protects your physical health. Friendly people have less conflict with other people and the world around them. When it comes to your brain, that means less cortisol (the “stress hormone”) and more oxytocin (the “happiness hormone”).
  • It preserves your sanity. Being kind to other people keeps your mood stable and prevents stress and anxiety. Kind gestures make you feel better about yourself. They ensure that you gain more self-confidence and that you become more confident.
  • It helps you to develop  good relationships. Kindness prevents you from focusing on yourself and helps you connect with others. It lights up your environment so that the people in it respond more to collaboration and welcome and things can flow better.
  • It’s a way to protect yourself from the “bad vibes” of others. Kindness also has the power to deactivate the negative attitude of others. It is like a barrier – an effective response to aggression and rejection.
Friends who admire the view arm in arm, because of the importance of kindness

Before we close, there is one more thing we need to emphasize. The importance of kindness is great, but being kind doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you, or always “turn the other cheek.” It’s a way of behaving and communicating where you make sure you never step on others’ toes or act insensitive. 

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