When Concerns Prevent Us From Taking Action

When worries prevent us from taking action

Anxiety is natural and common to all human beings. Often, however, we get stuck in our worries. We forget that taking action may be just what we need to move forward.

Anxiety is a spiritual attempt to find a solution to a situation that makes us restless. This situation or problem may already have occurred. However, it can also be a possible situation that we imagine.

It is a cognitive ability that prepares us for what we believe is going to happen. Worry thus provokes a mechanism that leads to actions and confronts various problems.

However, often we worry and think about things without actually arriving at a solution. We keep thinking about ideas that worry us. We then create vicious circles that ensure that we connect problems. Ultimately, we forget that finding a solution is the goal.

Why do we invest more time worrying than taking action?

Worrying is the first step toward tackling a problem. The feeling that we need to start with “taking action” is reassuring. After all, it means that we are getting closer to finding a solution.

Why do we spend more time worrying

This short-term rest allows you to relax to such an extent that you can get into avoidance behavior. We then avoid taking action. That’s because we feel easier when we’re worried. This probably seems strange because nobody likes to worry.

In this way time passes. We may think that we are confronting the problem. Yet we can also feel that we are stuck. After all, you may feel that you have gone from creating alternative solutions to thinking too much about an idea.

This makes you anxious. Precisely at that moment concern loses its function. It then becomes a hurdle that robs us of our time and energy without us even realizing it.

How can you deal with your concerns?

These ideas can help you reduce the worries that hold you back. These tips will therefore enable you to take action in the end.

Take a step back: try to be objective

Objectively analyze what worries you. Write down what you think will happen. We are often unrealistic in our predictions. That’s because our emotions are involved.

Would we view it the same way if a friend or family member had this problem? Think about how likely it is that the things you’re worried about will or won’t happen.

Take a step forward: put yourself in the worst possible scenario

What if what worries you so much actually happened? Put yourself in the worst possible scenario. Even when it happens, we are often more able to confront it.

That is because things then transcend the hypotheses and become reality. We will definitely be stronger if we take action instead of just worrying.

Accept that some things are unavoidable

Sometimes you worry about something that will happen regardless of what you do or don’t do. Then think about how you can handle the situation better. After all, there are problems that we cannot control.

However, we can decide to protect ourselves so that they don’t hurt us so much. Remember that thinking over and over about a problem for which there is no solution will cause you to suffer.

Some things are inevitable

protect yourself

Protect yourself. Also reinforce what you think is necessary to confront the situation in a better way. Sometimes distraction can be the best protection.

At other times, however, the solution depends on you. Then the time has come for you to take action. The time may have come to take that step, end that relationship, or speak out about what’s been holding you back for so long.

Pick a moment when you can worry

Sometimes you have to think about something. Because you don’t focus all your attention on it, you find that thought doesn’t leave your mind. It stays with you like a shadow. The thought trickles down to the rest of your emotions and thoughts. If you notice this… stop.

All worry does is distract you and cause anxiety. Find a time to devote to that problem. That way it won’t reverberate in your mind all day long.

The best is the enemy of the good

That’s what Voltaire said. Indeed, sometimes we lose a lot of time and energy trying to find the best or the perfect way. Choose a moment when you can look for alternatives and solutions.

However, when time passes, you have to make a decision. All of your choices may seem anything but perfect. Still, it’s time to choose the “best of the bad solutions”.

be brave

In addition, there need not be a problem or concern behind every solution. We grow and as we grow we internalize the idea that worrying is necessary to confront a problem.

However, you can also take action without worrying. It is a matter of accepting things. You must know that you will do everything in your power to deal with it.

be brave

Beyond the worries

Beyond the wall of worries there is a beautiful sunset. Sometimes earthquakes or thunder make everything… fall apart for a moment. At other times the sun rises and it rains. Then a beautiful rainbow appears. Sometimes everything happens in one day.

I actually want to say this. If we stay behind the wall for too long out of fear of what is on the other side, what is on the other side will not change.

We lose time. The clouds do not disappear. Eventually they get over the wall. That’s why you should take an umbrella if you don’t want to get wet. If you don’t have an umbrella, enjoy the rain.

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