When Emotions Are Not Expressed, The Heart Hurts

When emotions are not expressed, the heart hurts

No one can look inside and find emptiness; after all, even the void has a bottom. We are all filled with people, moments and small details that make us the people we are every day.

All these little things have made us better people at some point in our lives, even the absences. Because I know people who have lives that are filled with absences and even this sounds like something that is full. What happens is that we are also full of emotions that hurt us and if they are not expressed, the heart cannot go on.

Listen to yourself, deal with what harms you

If there’s one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the animals, it’s our ability to talk. The spoken word, in addition to being our most distinctive tool of expression, is sometimes the best medicine we can have for our inner self. Talking is putting into words what we feel, with which we give it its own place.

Therefore, one of the things that makes us feel better the most is being grateful for the opportunity to express ourselves. To be able to express out loud what hurts you, throw it out and let it go away. Expressing what we feel is a way of liberating ourselves.

Girl and Bird

Like booking a one-way ticket and then not returning, expressing our emotions is the exit for anything that does not leave the heart happy.

Putting up a shield won’t make you stronger

When life closes its doors to us, it can cause us to lose sight of who we are. And the only way to regain control is to listen to yourself. By yelling when necessary.

We know that we cry, are in pain and sometimes even hate ourselves. As if it’s our fault we’re being blocked. As if there was something bigger than ourselves holding us back and keeping our hands tied. We can’t define it exactly, but it’s there.

Because, as the title says, if painful emotions are not expressed, the heart hurts. It hurts because everything is still there. As if we have pins where our hands are and do more damage every time we touch ourselves.

However, we do not realize that there is an inner self in us that can defeat everything. What we forget is that every now and then the heart needs it to come out. It needs us to open the windows and listen to her so that it can heal and nurture us.

Girl in Red

The hardest smile to express is the smile of the heart

When we don’t allow the heart to close and we open up to others, and ultimately to the world, we experience relief and progressive contentment. We will experience such a pleasant feeling that we will try to behave in a similar way in the future.

When you start moving forward little by little, you will see a smile start to draw on your face. This smile, and this you know better than anyone, has cost you dearly. But now it feels better than anything. It has cost you tears, suffering and a lot of personal effort, but you have achieved it.

We have done away with the dark colors in us. And when this happens, we see the rainbow again. Just like when it rains, because it has to rain to see the best version of the sky.

In other words, the most difficult smile to express is the smile of the heart. Because if it is not expressed, there remains something in us that our true essence cannot shine through. When you figure it out, you’ll discover that you have to love yourself and that the world is there to be enjoyed…without boundaries, without storms.

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