Your Passion Gives Wings To Your Dreams

Your passion gives wings to your dreams

Monotony and routine can capture and take over the zest of life, leaving us without that spark that gives us joy with each passing day. On the other hand, when we do things with passion, our lives are lit up with excitement and meaning. Did you know that time goes much faster when you put your passion into what you do?

Passion is a feeling that you can recognize as something very intense and deep. It penetrates your whole body and paralyzes your thoughts. It makes every activity we do fulfilling and maybe even effortless. It’s like being invaded, first by surprise, then by happiness and indescribable satisfaction.

For example, imagine a child who is so absorbed in playing football that he forgets everything else. Or imagine a woman stepping onto the dance floor… you immediately see the change in her face…

Get motivated to get in touch with your passion

Motivation is a psychological component that directs, maintains and executes our behavior. If we want passion, we must first see what motivates and drives us. Motivation becomes an important factor in connecting with our passion.

Your passion and motivation

Passion is a special ingredient that awakens our perseverance and motivation. It is like fuel for our goals and dreams. It encourages us not to throw in the towel on the first difficulty that comes up. Without passion and desire we have no energy, we cannot let ourselves do anything.

Traditionally, we speak of two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is when we do something that is not for our own immediate gratification, but for an outcome that benefits us. In this case, there is rarely real passion. For example, think about your job and how you do things you don’t like to get a salary.

Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when we do something simply because it is satisfying to do. We expect nothing in return except that satisfaction. Moreover, a choice usually opens the door to intrinsic motivation. In other words, this freedom of action fuels our enthusiasm. Then the momentum kicks in and we feel ownership of our quest for happiness.

Passion comes from connecting with your inner child

Connecting with your passion isn’t always easy. We become adults and are given beliefs that limit us and detach us from the most natural and spontaneous part of ourselves. Sometimes we forget our dreams and desires and get stuck in a rigid life. We get carried away by the daily obligations.

Something that can help us regain our enthusiasm is to let our inner child out. We all have one. Do you remember what it was like to be a child? What did you like or find exciting? For example, maybe you enjoyed playing on the beach and building sandcastles, doing puzzles and making up stories.

Young girl ready to fly

Add curiosity and dedication to what you do. Pretend it’s your first time doing something you enjoy. Only then can you combat the apathy that results in a calendar full of to-do lists. Your inner child will be happy to explore new hobbies and projects you have in mind. If you allow it, it will take you on a journey to new worlds.

Make it a habit to feed your passion every day

Your passion can be nurtured and learned if you manage to divert your attention from your tasks. So if you haven’t found anything you’re passionate about yet, just follow your curiosity until you find things that make you feel like we described above.

In this rediscovery, you must dive into yourself and explore your deepest needs. Your passion gives wings to your desires and dreams. Either way, you still have time to find it. Start prioritizing your dreams. After all, they are the helm of your life; they lead you where you want to go and give meaning to your days. 

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