Seven Types Of Poisonous Personalities

Seven types of toxic personalities

Believe it or not, we are all surrounded by all kinds of toxic personalities on a daily basis. People who make us feel bad even if we haven’t done anything wrong, people who use us, people who make us dependent on them without us even realizing it. Many of these personalities look all too familiar to us, yet we are unaware of the toxic effects they can have.

Below discusses the seven most common toxic personalities we face on a daily basis. This allows you to learn to recognize these personalities and thus avoid being hurt by these types of people.


1. The Jealous Type

A jealous person will always look for allies. These people poison others with their words and negative thoughts. These kind of people are not happy. They always want what others have and they will try to boycott other people.

It’s very easy to spot the jealous type. You can see these people coming from far away. However, what is especially important is to learn how to avoid these people, how to prevent them from influencing you with their negative thoughts. You should try to ignore these types of people.

You will almost never find two people who think exactly the same about someone else and we have to learn to understand this. Don’t allow someone else to influence the way you think about someone else.

2. The authoritarian type

Authoritarian people are often in charge, or people who have others under their authority. Often, however, these are very insecure people themselves, so they convey their own fear to their subordinates in order to exercise control and power over them. However, it does not stop here. An authoritarian person often also has a tendency to humiliate and threaten others and to force his own way on others.

No one should tolerate this, even if the authoritarian is your boss. Today there is a law aimed at abuse at work. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, don’t be afraid to take the right measures. Otherwise, going to work can become a real torture.

3. The Manipulative Type

It is quite difficult to recognize a manipulative person. The manipulative type is a toxic personality that can go unnoticed for a long time, without being discovered. These types of people pretend to be friendly and accommodating people. They are very capable of showing compassion at times when they can benefit from it. However, when you get to know these people better, you see that it is better not to share certain things with them.

For example, it is not wise to be completely honest about yourself to a manipulative person. One day he will use this information against you. He will feel attacked and through his own sincerity cause you to feel guilty in the end, so you will be the only guilty party while he consciously made you feel this way. Even if you know that he’s actually wrong, you’ll end up constantly watching your words to avoid feeling bad afterwards.

Manipulative people often play dirty games and have a tendency to lie a lot. If you have a problem, their problem will always be worse. Finally, these types of people have the gift of infecting their environment. If they are sad, everyone around them will be sad too.


4. The pessimistic type

As you may have guessed, pessimistic people tend to see everything from a negative side. These are people who get hit by everything and who throw in the towel very quickly. This negativity only attracts more negativity, creating a vicious circle. They present themselves as defenseless victims of the world. They constantly complain about their past, their present and their probable future.

It’s best to just distance yourself from these people. Because no matter how hard you try to show these people that it’s not as bad as it seems, they will continue to argue for the opposite and live on your positivity to feel better about themselves. However, the consequence of this is that you will not feel so good. These types of people are therefore also called ’emotional vampires’.

5. The Anti-Social Type

This is one of the most dangerous toxic personalities. These are impulsive people who do not set emotional boundaries and feel no remorse when they have hurt others. They are  ambitious people who achieve their goals without worrying about what they do along the way. These types of people are incapable of saying ‘I’m sorry’.

Antisocial people have a charming appearance, but really only tell you exactly what you want to hear. Often they show a lot of interest in the person sitting across from them, asking all sorts of questions to obtain information that they will use against him at a later time. In addition, they are willing to lie and cheat to get what they want. They will feign emotions that they do not experience at all. These types of people are the opposite of empathetic people.

How can you recognize an antisocial person? In order to recognize these types of people, you have to pay very close attention. Since these types of people do not feel emotions, it is important to look closely at their face, expression and facial muscles. If the person you’re talking to keeps their eyes on you without moving a muscle in their face, be careful: you’re probably being manipulated at that point.

6. The Degrading Type

The degrading type enjoys undervaluing, manipulating, and emotionally imbalanced others. This causes someone else to start showing insecurity and becoming dependent on their opinion. These people will pretend to be your greatest friend, but they will use anything you tell them to bring you down in front of others at the appropriate time. They act as if they are really interested in what you have to tell them. And when you least expect it, they strike.


7. The Neurotic Type

The neurotic type is generally quite insecure. Therefore, these types of people are often inclined to obtain a good social position so that they can disguise their own insecurity. They can’t stand it when someone knows more about something than they do, so they will always do their best to be the center of attention.

Because of these insecurities, which these people have suffered from since childhood and which they have never been able to resolve, neurotic people often develop perfectionistic, contradictory, selfish and childish behaviors. And this makes them want to control others. In addition, their mood swings make it nearly impossible for them to go through life with anyone else.

All these toxic personalities can contaminate the people around them with their negative energy. Becoming aware of the people we have around us is therefore important for our health. The trick is to anticipate these kinds of situations and choose for ourselves who we will and will not help around us, avoiding toxic people who could hurt us.

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